The moving

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Sam pov

Today is the day we move. Im gonna miss all our friends. I really want to stay here but okami is making us move for our safety. Me and Taurtis had all out stuff packed up and all we had to do is go say goodbye to all our friends.

All our friends were gathered at our house around noon to say their goodbyes. Invader was hugging me so tight i thought i was gonna die. Everyone was very emotional about us leaving and to be honest i cried.

Once it become 6 PM we had are stuff in a moving truck to tokyo. Okami gave the moving truck the address and gave Me,Taurtis, and Dom a booklet that told us what to do when we get to tokyo. We got on the train and made our way to tokyo.

Taurtis POV

Its sad how we have to move. I wish we could go back but we've already been on this train for 1 hours, 2 more hours to go ((idk how long it would take so i made up how long it would take))
I turned my head to see Sam sleeping. Hes the cutest!!! I decided to pick Sam up and hold him while he slept. I held him close to me. "I promise everything will be bettet when we get to our new home in tokyo.

I then fell asleep. After a while i woke up to someone saying my name and stroking my hair. I woke up to see Sam. He was trying to wake me up. It was night time here. "Hey Taurtis were at Tokyo now" Sam spoke while smiling. "How long have you been awake?" I asked him. "About a hour" i smiled and we got off the train "this place looks cool" dom said. Me and sam nodded in agreement.
"So where do we need to go?" I asked
Sam went through his pocket and took out a tiny booklet from okami. He read it and said "we need to go to sushi wushi to meet Kiyu" "Lets go!!!"

We made our way to sushi wushi. Good think i was hungry. We finally got there after asking for directions. We got a table and a waitress came to our table "hi what would you like to eat and drink?" Sam and Dom got mountain dew but i already had some with me so i didnt order a drink. "What kind of food do you have here?" I asked. "Sushi. But our special is pufferfish" "we can get some of that!" Dom said

"Not my children!!" I yelled and they laughed. The waitress brought us some pufferfish and i made Dom and Sam give me their pufferfish. THEY SHALL NOT EAT MY CHILDREN.
"This person left their sushi here!!" Sam said so Sam and Dom took thay sushi and ate it. After a couple minutes a girl with pink hair came over to us "Hi im looking for Sam, Taurtis, and Dom" she said "Sorry dont know them" i said and smiled. "Oh okay thank you." She started walking away until Sam ran over to her. "No wait hes jus goofing and gaffing! Im Sam!" He said smiling. She looked at him and smiled "Oh then i guess they are Dom and Taurtis?" He nodded "Well im Kiyu" "Nice to meet you Kiyu" Sam said.

"Okami gave me your address so i can take you to your home" we all got up and walked out the store with Kiyu. She must have gotten mixed up with directions cause she almost got lost. We finally made it to our house after a couple minutes of walking around. "Thanks Kiyu" Sam said and smiled. "Your welcome guys, well i better head home. Bye I'll see you at school tomorrow" she waved goodbye and left.

Samgladiator x TaurtisWhere stories live. Discover now