awesome day?

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((This picture is FABULOUS. Btw this chapter will contain less insane sam))

Taurtis POV
I woke up to see Sam cuddling me. Hes so cute when hes sleep! I looked at the time, its only 7AM. And we dont have school today. I promised Sam we would have a good day and hang out together.

I looked at Sam closely. He looked so peaceful. His curly hair slightly covering his face. I ran ky fingers through his hair while smiling. After a while Sam started to wake up. He looked at me and smiled at me.

"Hey sleepy head" i said

"Hi cutie, what's are plans for today?"

"We are gonna go to the mall, the beach, then the movies"

"sounds fun he said smiling"

We only had a couple days to enjoy are home until we have to move to Tokyo. We got changed and walked towards the mall. I held Sams hand and he smiled at me. We got to the mall and walked through some of the stores. We bought some mangas and clothes, then we got something to eat.

Once we ate we went to the beach. I was already in my bathing suit and sam changed in the bathroom. Once he came back I grabbed his arm and ran towards the water. "Taurtis what are you doing" "youll see" i said with a smile. Once we got to the water i splashed him and he laughed "Hey!!!" He splashed me and the next thing you know we are having a splash battle. After a couple minutes of splash battling each other we built a sandcand castle. It was awesome!! When we finished me and Sam knocked it down and laughed.

And then we went to the movies. They finally got a screen so we watched bee movie. I still remember how paul blart was murdered here by Yuki. It must be hard for Sam know that i think about it. He was closest to Yuki and he was the reason she killed people. I wonder how he feels about that. After the movie ended me and Sam went home. I really wish i could just ask Sam how he feels, ever since all this hes been kind of depressed at times. And after seeing him bloody and crying yesterday im beyond worried. When we got home and dragged Sam to the living room "What are you doing Taurtis?"


"What are you doing Taurtis?" I asked as he dragged me to the couch. He made me sit down and held my hand as he sat down next to me "Sam please explain to me whats been going on with your emotions. Youve been depressed and then youve acted kind of crazy at times" i have to tell him

"Taurtis listen lately theres been this-" before i could finish my hesd randomly started hurting like crazy. I put my hands over my head and started screaming. Taurtis held onto me as if he was gonna lose me. "Sam its okay im here whats wrong!?!?!?" Everything started to go black. Before i passed out i managed to say "he wont let me tell you" and then my vision went black.

Taurtis POV

Who wont let him tell me!!? Whats wrong with him!!? I hope he's okay!!
I held him close to me and ran my fingers through his hair "Its okay Sam, i am here to protect you" we leave tomorrow to go to Tokyo. I hope everything gets better soon.

Samgladiator x TaurtisWhere stories live. Discover now