Blood Sacrifice

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Chapter Twenty Five;;

Blood Sacrifice;;

When Aiden woke up he had no idea what was going on. For starters he was confused he even woke up at all. Why didn’t they kill me? He wondered.

He opened his eyes to a crowd. He and Nadeline were tied to a bed, but to separate posts. Before them was a blonde girl curled into a shivering crying lump. Her hands were bound, her clothes in shreds, and worse yet her face was swollen and bruised.

Aiden barely batted an eyelash at the girl, and a part of him was glad his growing fondness for Cooper didn’t affect  his opinion of humans in general. His focus was on the girl standing by Nadeline.

“Shall I wake her before infection?” The vampress asked, her query giving Aiden more reason to be confused.

“Yes,” a vampress in the crowd said eagerly. Aiden recognized her, and recognized the flash of anger on Louis’s face… and that of a stranger whose looks could only be described as arrogant. It took a moment for Aiden to realize the woman who’d made the exclamation was part of the group Cooper’s family brought. She was now back tracking her words saying, “I want to see the anguish and terror on her face. Revenge makes you want the oddest of things.”

Aiden was disgusted with her grovelling attitude and apparently Louis was too. He looked like he was going to slaughter the woman, and perhaps that was still part of his plan, yet he said, “It is no cause for worry my dear; just keep in mind who the intended audience is next time.”

“Wake her,” the arrogant man said tightly. His eyes were fixed on Nadeline, and Aiden found himself looking to her as well. The swoop of her wavy brown hair obscured most of her pale face. The tilt of her head cast a shadow over her, and yet she looked peaceful. Innocent almost.

That innocence was broken when the sharp-faced vampress by her side slapped her awake. Nadeline’s poor eyes flicked around the room in the same confusion Aiden had felt. Her eyes rested on the arrogant man standing beside Louis.

“Good morning, sunshine. Ready to be our lab rat?” The vampress asked, drawing a blade from the waist of her pants.

But Nadeline had no time for her. “Why?” Her voice trembled as she looked to the man.

“Because you were a bad little girl,” he tittered. The condescension in his voice infuriated Aiden.

He saw Nadie squirm as the vampress spun her knife and drew the whimpering human towards her. Aiden felt entirely useless as he tugged at the ropes that bound him to the bed but they would not budge. He looked down and growled in frustration as he fought their tight grasp.

Louis was no fool, he knew the strength of vampires, and the strength of knots, and thus used monstrous amounts of rope used for rigging boats to restrain their entire torsos. “No, don’t kill her.”

He looked with panicked eyes around the room, and found the vampress – oh what was her name? Clarisse? – who had been eager to see Nadeline suffer before she died. He felt everyone’s eyes turn to him, including Nadeline’s as he tried to think of what to say next.

“I’m the one who killed your friend,” he panted, still trying to fight the bonds that kept him from fighting. “If you want to get revenge, if you want someone to suffer it should be me.”

The girl with the knife actually threw back her head and laughed. Aiden ground his teeth as the vampress glaring at him slowly walked towards him. She took his chin in a firm grasp that he couldn’t wriggle free from. “Don’t worry, you’ll have your chance to die too. I just want to make sure I can cause the most pain when I drain the life from your wretched body.”

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