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Chapter Nine;;


At some point Aiden finally pulled away from Cooper and wiped his mouth with his wrist. “That was an excellent meal.” He was panting a bit. He was too overjoyed by her flavor to listen to the nagging in the back of his mind that said Cooper was right. He had remembered her name and there had to be a reason.

Cooper’s mind was in too much a state of disarray to be serious. She was traumatized, she was fairly certain that this could constitute as rape. Yet there was nothing to be done about it. Part of her still believed that none of this was real, which made it a little easier for Cooper to deal with her current predicament with humour. “I’m a blood donor.” She joked, wanting to cry.

Now she knew what Dalia had meant about anger being a cover up emotion.  She wanted to fight Aiden, to have some control over her situation, to push out the lingering idea that she had actually liked his lips pressed against her neck... She turned to her side looking away from him and screamed, punching the wall. She felt pain shoot up through her arm and found it satisfying. She didn’t scream any words but she howled a raw sound of pure inexplicable emotion as she punched the wall again.

Aiden watched her out burst of sudden fury with mixed emotions. He felt satisfied, pleased with his hunger sated. Yet he couldn’t help feel pity at this helpless mortal. She had no choice in her life, no option of fighting. She was weak. He was so much more, and he could get anything he wanted from her. For once though, he did not revel in his superiority, he felt sympathy. He knew what that sort of helplessness felt like.

When she collapsed on herself in tears, pulling herself in a tight ball, he didn’t want to make a snide comment. He didn’t want to make her feel worse because something told him he wouldn’t be amused by her pain.

Not understanding what was going on with himself, or why he was doing this, he took a step forward thinking about what she may want. He was slightly disgusted with himself, he had been doing that nonstop since he had found her. “I’ve had a nice meal,” Aiden said, wincing when he saw that made her start to sob even harder. The normal sort of conversation in their manner would have to change if they wanted to be less offensive. Continuing, he said softly, “Why don’t we find you something to eat? You must be starving after all.”

Cooper stopped her sobbing, and with the lump in her throat still present she turned to peer at him. “You have food here?”

Aiden cocked his head to the side when he realized they actually didn’t and his plan fell short. “Well, we could always send Wesley out to get some more.”

She rolled her eyes, “Is he like your errand boy or something?”

Aiden smiled, remembering how Wesley was the kindest of their little family, and how much he hated to be reminded of that. “Don’t let him hear you say that.” He walked over and crouched down beside her, dark hair falling over his eyes. “He’s the only one who can tolerate the human world for long; we all think he’s soft.” He whispered conspiratorially.

Cooper realized somewhere within her that this was his way of trying to be comforting but his words just made her think of the quiet blonde who had been sent to fetch a healthy human…the guy being tortured in the other room. Wesley hadn’t seemed very friendly.

“Anything I want?”

“Anything.” Aiden promised.

She sucked in her bottom lip, for a captive she was given a lot of consideration. “Well, I wouldn’t object to some vegetables or ramen.” She wasn’t sure why she blushed, it wasn’t like she had anything to hide anymore. Before he said anything she quickly put in, “You should ask the other guy what he wants too.”

“Ugh,” Aiden groaned standing up and pacing the hard wood floor. He ran his hands through his hair, “What is your obsession with this guy?” He was suddenly reminded of her little comment. You remember my name.

“What’s your obsession with me?” She asked bravely, suddenly realizing he was obsessed with her. “You spare my life when I find out what you are, you barely leave my side, you try to bring my friend here. You kissed me!” She began panting as her mind went into hyper mode. She knelt and lifted the fabric of the nice dress he’d left for her. “You kissed me.” She breathed out in disbelief.

Cooper managed to keep her next realization silent, she didn’t say that she liked that he kissed her. She was glad for it. She was especially when Aiden said, “Yeah. Well, that was to distract you. It didn’t mean anything.”

Cooper stood and walked over to the desk where she could go through the drawers, confused by the pain she felt in her gut. “That doesn’t explain anything else.” She muttered.

He spun on her then. “I can’t believe you wanted to die. No human actually wants that. They might think they do, and then the moment death actually comes anywhere near them they’re terrified. You're no different.”

“We’ve been over this.” She growled, jabbing a finger at him. “I wanted to die.”

“Then why were you so scared when I came at you over there?”

She noticed she’d said wanted, past tense.  Then her mind caught up enough to catch his question and she blushed thinking of him standing inches away from her. “I was just afraid because I thought it would hurt. Anyways, it’s not news that you didn’t plan on killing me.”

Aiden breathed heavily from reflex of arguing, and Cooper was out of breath. Her breath quickened as she realized they were mere inches apart again. They stared at each other for a moment before she jabbed him in the chest with a finger and backed up, “Just go tell Wesley what the ‘pets’ want.” She turned away and hurried towards the bed.

Aiden hesitated before heading towards the door, not that the pathetic mortal would’ve noticed. He forced himself from looking back at her as he told her, “Wes’ll bring something up after he picks it up.”

Cooper waited for him to slam the door before she wrapped herself up in the old blanket she’d woken up in. She tried to hold back the tears as she began to sob. Her whole body rocked back and forth. She wanted to die, didn’t she?

She had no family. Her best friend killed her parents and she'd done nothing to stop it. She had no place she belonged any more, no talents or ambitions. What would her life have really been like anyways? So why was she scared when Aiden came at her? Really? There wasn’t anything to live for, so why did she feel desperate to hang on to life even if she was a blood whore?

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