Loathsome Sadistic Parasite

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Chapter Seven;;
Loathsome Sadistic Parasite;;

Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at him, and some eyed up Cooper. “The girl introduced you to him?” The older vampire, Louis, asked. Cooper was too busy staring at Aiden in disbelieving horror to be offended by the old man referring to her as ‘the girl.’

“Yes, sir.” Aiden grinned.

“Hold on a minute.” Dalia said leaning forward. “What difference does it make who the human is? As long as they’re healthy they should do well.”

“This human is a friend of Cooper’s. He’s an old man, but he should be fine. I don’t think he’ll really be missed.” He smiled down at Cooper, “His name’s Freddie.”

Cooper wanted to protest, to yell at him with all the force her lungs could muster, but her lips moved and no words would come out. He was a cruel vampire, but what was actually wrong with him? Why would he do this to her?

“So?” Dalia asked.

“I have to agree with Dalia, what does it matter if he’s friends with Cooper?” Nadeline asked, batting her striking lashes at Aiden. “And if he’s old won’t he die off fairly quickly?”

“Think about it. We kidnapped this girl, we’re going to use her. Don’t you think she’d be a little happier if she had a friend to talk to? Happiness tends to make the blood sweeter. We’ll get a better crop.”

Nadeline looked like she was considering the idea when Cooper finally found her voice. “No. You are not bringing Frankie into this, you loathsome sadistic parasite.” She glowered up at him and jabbed him in the chest. She was oblivious to the genuine surprise on his face. “Do not try to pretend you suggested that for some humanitarian reason. You are a disgusting thing that just likes to see others suffer. You got me here, you’ll probably drink my blood whether I want you to or not, but you are not laying a finger on that man.” She jabbed him a final time for emphasis.

The blonde, Wesley, smirked at Aiden. “Looks like your pet has good taste. I think it would be too much effort  to go find a specific human. I propose we go find a young healthy one – would last longer.”

“Do you really think –“ Aiden started but he was cut off by Dalia.

“She doesn’t want him here. Wes is right about effort. I don’t think your game is worth it. Anyways you’ve already got your own human. I want to pick one out.” She smiled and came up to Wesley. I couldn’t help but like her for that, and Wesley a bit too. They actually acknowledged my existence on some level.

The older vampire rolled his eyes and pushed up from the table again. “Go get yourself a pet then, Dalia. Aiden, you’ve had a good idea but do not push it too far. Take the girl to her room and come back down. I want to have a word with you. You’ll have to break its temper. I don’t like what it said to Evangeline and Mary.”

“I’m not an it – ” Cooper began but Aiden grabbed her around her bruised wrist and squeezed. The pain silenced her immediately. Aiden nodded to the older man and dragged Cooper out of the room. In the hallway he released her wrist and started walking ahead of her. She refused to follow, she stood outside the engraved door , rubbing her wrist, and glared at the jerk in front of her.

“Come on.” He said, realizing she wasn’t behind him. “You heard him, you have to go to your room.”

She looked away. She refused to say anything until he apologized. Instead she inspected the rug running down the hallway. It was a very nice building, all wooden, and furnished like it was from the early 20th century.

“Are you mad at me?” He asked finally cluing in. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow, waiting. Cooper knew she was playing a dangerous game but she was angry. “Look, I’m sorry. I thought having Fre….Frankie here would be something you want.”

Cooper looked at him from the corner of her eyes, “I’m not saying I forgive you, because I have a lot of reason to hate you, but why did you think that was a good idea? Why do you even care how I feel? Just so you know, I am not buying that ‘it makes the blood taste sweeter’ stuff. That just reeked of pathetic excuse.”

He ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. “It’s not that I feel guilty, I just know it’s going to be brutal for you to be cut up on a regular basis so we can drink your blood. I guess I feel… pity.” He was confused. Aiden knew it really was pity he felt, but the feeling was foreign to him. He outstretched a hand to Cooper, holding back a glare.

She took it hesitantly, her mind still realing at the phrase 'cut up on a regular basis'. He didn’t look at her again as he led her up the stairs to her room. What was this human doing to him? He didn’t need emotions like pity – they were useless! He looked her over from the corner of his eye. There wasn’t anything really special about her; she had an average build and brown eyes. The only thing remotely unique about her is her auburn hair, Aiden thought. And it’s not like that’s going to make me feel anything for her.

Despite his thoughts Aiden kept being drawn to her eyes. There was a sadness there that he didn’t want to admit he related to. He didn’t want to admit he was curious about what caused her to feel such pain, why she had been so eager to be killed at his hand.

Cooper noticed that he kept looking at her, but instead of realizing he was emotionally distraught she thought he was thinking about drinking her blood. She couldn’t help but shudder at the thought and strained against his hand. She glanced down at her free wrist; he had been considerate enough to grab the one he hadn’t bruised. Or was that just coincidence?

Cooper didn’t have a chance to really think about it when he opened a door and pushed her inside. She sighed in resignation to being shoved back into another bedroom, though she was relieved to have some distance from the other vampires. She had to admit the room was nicer than the cold, musty dungeon and metal hand cuffs she’d been expecting.

She could sense his presence in the room still, lingering behind her. “If you’re going to take my blood, just do it. Do not toy with me.” Cooper knew her command fell weakly, what could she do if he wanted to toy with her? Nothing, and she knew it.

“Take your blood?” He asked innocently, stepping into her peripheral vision. “I can’t do that now.”

He took a step closer and ran a finger through her long hair, then grasped a chunk and used it to tip her head back. He wanted to toy with her for making him feel these stupid emotions. He wanted to toy with her just because she didn’t want him to. He needed to be in control again. “Louis has asked me to come back after depositing you here.”

Loosening his grip on her hair, he kept her head in place. She was scared. He could hear it, he could feel it, speeding her blood. His bloodlust hit him suddenly and violently. He traced a finger down a vein in her neck, and when her breathing accelerated his hitched. Who was she? Leaning in close so he could breathe along the nape of her exposed neck, he whispered, “When I am going to take your blood you’ll know it.”

Saying no more he released her hair and disappeared out the door. The moment he wasn’t touching her Cooper’s knees buckled and her hand reflexively went to her throat. She touched it gingerly, alarmed by how close he had come to biting her.

“Parasite.” She growled.

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