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Chapter Eighteen;;


“Why can’t I go in?” She asked furiously of the blonde who nonchalantly leaned against the door with her arms crossed. She strongly disapproved of the lace gloves, and combat boots the girl wore with her dress.

“They have to talk,” the blonde said with a roll of her eyes as though it were obvious. “You saw what happened down there; that thing really needs some talking about.”

“That is my niece,” the woman said angrily, her voice almost broke down into a growl.

“Listen,” the blonde said tipping her head condescendingly. “What was your name?”

“Patricia” she said, her voice tight.

“Nice to meet you, Patricia. My name is Dalia.” The blonde extended a hand, and when the woman didn’t shake it she shrugged and crossed her arms once more. “You may have guessed it by the peculiar vampire behavior, but I think Aiden actually has feelings for your niece. As one of his best friends, I’m going to give him the opportunity to express his feelings before Louis does some despicable thing. Do you want to try and get past me right now?”

This made Patricia pause. The attractive dark haired vampire had seemed genuinely concerned about Cooper, and it was unusual he was able to do so much healing since it required will power – a strong desire for healing to occur. She eyed up the woman standing before her. She could sense this vampire was strong, and that she was serious.

What would Cooper have me do? She wondered. She closed her eyes as she focused on the sounds from inside the door. She thought she heard Cooper chuckled. I guess she’s alright.

“Fine,” she eventually conceded. She leaned against the wall by the door and the blonde and crossed her arms as well, “But I am not leaving this spot until I see my niece.”

“Fine,” Dalia said not unkindly.

They stood there in a near-comical silence for a bit before Patricia asked, “What did you mean when you said ‘before Louis does some despicable thing’? Louis is your coven leader, right?” She did not like the man; he was civil and appeared just, but she could have sworn it was a façade.

Louis had graciously invited them to stay, and he’d agreed that Cooper could leave with them once they’d found a suitable replacement for their blood supply. Given the situation Patricia found herself in she doubted that would happen. If this ‘Aiden’ really felt the way about Cooper that the blonde was saying he did, and it didn’t look like she was wrong, Patricia didn’t think he’d let the human go without a struggle. Patricia would have suggested he left with them, but Clarisse wouldn’t be too happy about that. He had been the one to kill Erica after all.

This put her in a hard spot.  She could not ignore the feelings this vampire had for her niece, nor could she kill him. If she did that they would be at war with Louis’s coven. I suppose our plan of action should depend on what Cooper wants… but what if she wants to stay here?

“Louis is… well, Aiden, Wesley and I have been with Louis’s coven since the seventies. He’s not so generous as he acts. He likes drama so long as he is in control, and he probably feels rather threatened right now because he doesn’t understand Aiden’s fascination with your niece, and it seemed like one of your girls outdid him in combat.” The blonde shrugged. “I shouldn’t be telling you this, I guess.”

“If Louis is so bad, why do you follow him?” Patricia asked. There was much she still didn’t understand about vampirism, but she figured if you had ultimate power you wouldn’t need to spend time with anyone you disliked.

“Because, he is good to his people.” This hung in the air, and Patricia was sure there was something the woman wasn’t saying. Was she hiding information because she was keeping secrets or because there was something she didn’t want to admit?

“What’s your name?” She asked, knowing she should already be aware of it after Louis’s introductions.

“It’s Dalia,” the blonde said without looking at her. She glanced at the door in their silence. Suddenly she stepped away from the wall and muttered, “Aiden will be out in a moment.”

So many things happened at once then. Dalia moved to the railing, pushing her long hair over her bare shoulder. Patricia began to ask how Dalia knew, before realizing that Dalia was evidently an elder vampire. At the same time as this Clarisse arrived and glared at the two talking.

“Why haven’t you been in to see her yet?” Patricia saw the hidden message in her eyes. When she said this she really meant to say ‘I want to leave; don’t you see they’re blocking your movements at every turn?’ Clarisse was right too; Cooper was her niece, what gave this monster any right to talk to her?

Realizing that she had been duped, Patricia gave Dalia a glare and turned to the door. “I was just talking with the woman, I’ll be seeing her now and soon we’ll be going.” Dalia didn’t seem surprised by her glare, but she could feel Clarisse’s glare on her back. Patricia wondered if Clarisse had any facial expression other than a glare.

She reached for the door handle when the door opened. Before her stood the tall, broad frame of Aiden. He bore a smile and his eyes looked genuinely happy. Katrina and Alice were her daughters, and she’d had her fair share of encounters with fighting off shady boyfriends, and yet Aiden didn’t set off her motherly instincts. In fact, something about his demeanor made her want to protect him. You’re being foolish, Patricia scorned herself. He is a blood-sucking demon with an interest in your human niece. The older woman never stopped to realize that she too was a ‘blood-sucking demon’ and that her niece was her prey too.

“I’m sorry to keep you from her,” Aiden gave a little bow. Though it was highly theatrical, it was a respectful gesture that was appreciated. “I hope you find her in an agreeable mood. Dalia,” he called to the blonde, with a change of attention.

Patricia was about to get herself worked up about how easily she was dismissed when Aiden stepped out of the doorway. Immediately she was greeted with Cooper’s delighted shout of, “Aunt Pat!”

Patricia quickly gave orders to Clarisse to fetch Katrina and Alice, and then she burst into the finely decorated room ready to embrace her niece.

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