Blood Whore

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Chapter Four;;

Blood Whore;;

 Cooper blinked in surprise. "What did you say?" She must be crazy; she could have sworn he said he wasn't going to kill her. That couldn't be possible though.

"I said, I'm not going to kill you."

Cooper was astounded, she was going to live. She couldn't believe it. She bent over and pinched herself. It hurt. "So, you're not going to kill me?" Her voice filled with incredulous anger.

"You don't seem happy." He pouted in mock sympathy. His eyes glimmered with amusement. "Did you want to die?"

Cooper hesitated, realizing how ridiculous she sounded. "Well... Um, I guess so. Yeah."

His eyes were unreadable; knowing she wasn't going to die made him less attractive than he'd been two seconds ago. Now he just seemed cruel and delighted. "Oh. You're quite interesting. I'm going to have a lot of fun with you."

"Fun?" Cooper questioned suspiciously. "What're you planning on to do to me? You can't let me go; I've just seen you commit murder and you know I've gotten a good look at your face. On top of which, aren't you afraid I'll reveal your 'top secret vampire identity?'"

Cooper knew the man was dead, but she also knew that technically chomping off a finger took as much physical effort as biting through a carrot. She reasoned that if you could get past the psychology of attacking another person you could probably kill someone by biting into their neck, and nothing else gave her reason to believe that he actually was a vampire. He must really be a psychopath though – a cruel, murderous psychopath.

"Ah, you do want to know what I'm going to do to you." He smiled.

Cooper didn't see this going anywhere good. Her reached out and grasped her arm tightly, she couldn't shake it off. After a second of silence he continued. "Well, I can tell you don't really want to die - I don't really want to kill you, I've already had my blood fill. But, you're right, I can't let you go around knowing of my existence.

"So here is my plan. You are coming to live with me." He smirked down at her, "You definitely are not going to like it."

Cooper wanted to smile for some reason, but holding it back she asked the only reasonable question that came to her mind. "Why?"

"Your oh so touching goodbye with Freddie –"


"Whatever. Your goodbye to Frankie made me think of how all our victims have family, and it's rather inconvenient hunting down healthy victims." Our? Cooper thought panicked, this man was involved with other murderers. Oh god, it must be a cult thing. "So, if you lived with me and my family we could get our blood fix, without having to kill anyone and break up any dear human families." He said with mock sentimentalism.

"YOU WANT ME TO BE YOUR BLOOD WHORE?" With this shout Cooper found the strength to push out of his grasp. She panted from the effort of pulling herself away and screaming. She glanced around the abandoned street, but of course there was nobody out at this hour of night. She shouldn't be out at this hour. Something deep inside her wondered if this was why there was such an early curfew at Madame Martin's, but she was too repulsed by the implication to pursue the idea.

"Well, when you put it like that... but it's really not a bad idea."

"NO! No, no, no! Absolutely not. "Cooper couldn't believe what was happening. She began pacing. Each footfall gave her another reason why she didn't want to do it. It was weird, it was wrong, it would probably kill her, it encroached on her human rights. She desperately wished the pinch test was wrong, wished that this night was all a really awful and senseless dream that she would wake up from.

"Sorry Doll Face. You don't really have a choice; if you don't come willingly I'll just take you with me." He grinned down at her, and leaned on the backs of his heels as he crossed his arms. He was the very image of self-confidence. "I happen to like the plan so much; I might even recommend we take a few other kids nobody would miss. What do you think about that?" He taunted.

Cooper stopped pacing at this, and instantly broke out running. For the second time that night the 'vampire' outran the human. He gathered her in his arms and held her struggling figure in place.  "Oh come on. That wasn't very nice of you. Last chance; do you want to come live with me?"

Pouting Cooper grumbled, "You may have caught me, and you might be bringing me to some creepy lair but no matter what you do to me I am not going to let you have my blood. No freaking way! Not a freaking chance..."

"Is that a threat or a promise?" He asked, blowing down her neck as she struggled.

She struggled in his arms so she could spin around and glare at him. "You are some sort of sick, you bloody freak."

"Well, I guess it couldn't have been a threat anyways. It's not like you'd have a chance of fighting me off anyways." Anticipating Cooper's escape attempt he tightened his grasp to make his point. "This will just make blood taking more entertaining; a family sport really."

Knowing she couldn't break out of his threatening embrace, Cooper tried to another tactic. She kicked as hard as she could at his legs. He leaned forward releasing her. Her heart beating hard with hope and possibility Cooper started to run again.

"Just kidding," came the obnoxious voice as he seized her wrist. His grasp was so tight she thought he just might break her wrist. This wasn't the same man that had first grabbed her in the cemetery. This was a man who toyed with his prey like a cat, Cooper realized just then she was the mouse who had absolutely no chance of escape. Just like a cat would, he was making her squirm, getting her riled up just so he could get more fun out of her.

"So, what are you going to do now?" She asked snidely tilting her head. "Take me to your leader?"

His humor had faded though, "Your sarcasm isn't cute anymore." He tightened his grip and Cooper couldn't withhold the gasp of pain. He smiled at her sharp intake of breath. "In fact, it's rather annoying now."

Cooper was too scared to say anything back now. Why had she taunted him? She'd known he was dangerous and now he could really hurt her – some fates were worse than death. She stared up at him in wide eyed horror hoping he would take pity on her and just kill her then, get it over with.

He rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation, "Courage all gone then? Yeah, I'm going to take you to 'my leader.' Or would you rather think of them as blood pimps?"

Swallowing her fear Cooper managed to ask, "Who's being sarcastic now?"

"Cute." He grinned. "Ready for a ride?"

"A ride?"

He shook his head. "How did you think we were going to meet the family?" He patronized, eyes revealing great humor. It pissed Cooper off to know he was getting off on this.

"I don't's not like you have a car here. Do you?" She asked looking around. He looked around the street too and she took the opportunity to yank her wrist out of his grasp. Her plan failed.

He tightened his grip so much she actually yelped. "Well, I guess you don't have to be conscious for the ride, you little troublemaker."

Real fear gripped Cooper at his words. Is he going to rape me too? She wondered, jumping to the worst possibilities. She tried to dodge his fist as he swung out, but he yanked her wrist close to his chest and her whole body followed. She fell into his chest and his fist hit her in the side of the head. She'd barely seen his arm move at all.

Cooper's head lolled and everything started spinning in her vision. Suddenly there wasn't one psycho murderer in front of her but four. "Oh god," she moaned. She hadn't felt this dizzy and unpleasant since she had her first spout of rebellious drinking. I'm going to puke. She thought in disgust. She pushed the man's chest weakly and readjusted her stance, she didn't want to fall and give him the upper hand.

"That didn't do it?" He asked, and his voice echoed again and again. She saw the fist raise up again, but she lost control of her consciousness. She passed out and went limp in his grasp before his blow could hit her.

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