Chapter 13

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Tyler's POV
It's been five days since my mum came back, she was out most of the time sorting out the divorce.

Today I decided to move back into my house. Troye said he'd stay with me for the first night if I wanted him to, I of course said I'd want him to stay.

I picked up a bag with some of my clothes in it, Troye did the same and followed me out of the house.

"You sure you wanna go back? You can stay with us, we won't min-"

"Troye! I said I was sure, now come on!" I walked up to the front gate of my house and pushed it open. Slowly I made my way to the door, I pulled out the keys from my pocket and unlocked the door.

Cautiously I opened the door. After a few seconds of standing there I moved forward inside. My mum's suitcases were standing next to the empty coat hanger. I walked over to the living room and threw my bag on the couch, the sound of Troye closing the doors made me look back.

His head was slightly tilted to the side, a weak smile formed as he looked over at me. Slowly he started walking around the room as I just sat down. Deciding that it was getting boring I started looking around as well.

Candles of different colours and sizes were scattered across the room, pictures of me and my mum placed above the fireplace and a bunch of papers laying on the coffee table.

"I see your mum changed up a few things." Troye looked back at me and gave me a soft smile.

"Yeah, she always knew how to make a room feel cozy." Troye grabbed my bag and offered me his hand. I got hold of his hand and he pulled me up, I tried to get my bag from him but he just kept hold of it.

"Come on, we'll sort out your room and we can come back down." He reached out his free hand to grab mine, tugging slightly on it he dragged me up the stairs. I tripped up a few times causing us to burst out into fits of laughter for some strange reason.

Upon reaching my room Troye threw the bags on my bed. Troye walked over to the window and pulled back the curtain letting the sunlight in.

"It's a lot cleaner than I remember..." I mumbled whilst looking around the spotless room.

"Jackie must have cleaned the place."

"I guess." I unzipped my backpack and emptied out the contents onto the bed. I folded the clothes neatly and put them in my cupboard. Troye grabbed some clothes and began folding them, he passed them over to me and I layed them down inside the cupboard.


"We've been doing nothing for the past hour!" Troye complained and groaned.
"How about we go downstairs?"

"Sounds good." I pushed myself up from the bed and headed for the stairs, Troye walked behind me and started mumbling something along the lines of me 'walking too slow'.

We collapsed on the couch, silence came over us as we just sat there doing nothing. After a while Troye started to fidget around, he scanned the room, his eyes became wide when he saw something standing in the far corner of the living room.

"What's that!?" He pointed towards a wooden object, I stood up to see what it was. Slightly surprised at the sight I walked back to Troye and sat down again.

"It's a gramophone."

"Are there any records?" This time he stood up and walked over to the gramophone.
"There's dozens of them!" He sounded so excited, it was like he was a five year old kid on Christmas day.

"Put one on!" I smiled at him, his eyes lit up with pure joy at my words. He flashed me a toothy smile and picked a random record of the pile.

The song was slow yet uplifting at the same time, violins played a gentle tune in the background of an angelic voice.

Troye swayed gently completely entranced in the music. Without any hesitation I stood up and walked over to him, after I was a few steps away from him I realised I had no idea what I was doing. I stopped walking to find him smiling at me with complete and utter elation. He bowed down slightly, his hand out and a hopeful look in his eyes.

"May I have this dance?"

"I'd love to." I placed my hand in his, he stood up straight and brought his over hand to my hip. I placed my free hand on his shoulder and looked him in his deep blue eyes.

We started to sway to the rhythm of the song. The hand on my hip began slowly pulling me closer towards him. Within a few seconds there was no more space between us. His other hand left mine and moved down to rest on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers playing with the small hairs on his neck.

We stared into each others eyes, time seemed to slow down and the world around us disappeared. In this moment it was just the two of us.

Just the two of us.

His arms slowly moved to wrap around my waist. A giddy smile began to grow on my face, butterflies filled my stomach and a bright blush spread over my face. I decided to rest my head on his shoulder to hide my emotions. In return Troye rested his chin at the top of my head. He nuzzled his chin in my hair and tightened his grip around me.

I don't know how long we were in this position, and in reality I didn't care, I was too overwhelmed with emotion to care. As I slowly began to drift back to reality I realised that the music was no longer playing in the background.

I looked back up at him, his lips were in a shy smile and his eyes were looking deeply into mine. He bit down on his lip and I felt my stomach doing flips at the sight of this action.

To my suprise he let out a shaky laugh. His arms left my waist and he pulled away. Deciding on not wanting to make this awkward I unwrapped my hands from around his back and stepped back.

"I... umm... really liked that song..."

"Yeah... me too." I tried to sound as convincing as I could, in reality however my reply was shaky and shy.

"Should we, umm... listen to it again?"

"I'd love to."

Helloooooooo! *throws chapter at you* there! I'm too fucking tired to write more and quite frankly I really wanted to upload this, so here ya go! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had to take so many breaks in between because I couldn't handle my emotions! I'M SORRY FOR BEING A MESS!
I realised that the chapters are getting quite short, I'll try to make them longer since I have more to write about. The next chapter I have called 'seven minutes in hell' on my plan. Sound cool heh? I might make a filler in between though, I dunno. I do as I please!
Snervous came out and I still haven't watched it because IT'S NOT AVAILABLE ON GOOGLE PLAY STORE IN MY COUNTRY! Fuck this shit!
Also, my blue neighbourhood bundle STILL HASN'T ARRIVED! I've seen a tweet that describes how long it will probably take. It said something along the lines of 'I'll be 50 with children before my BN bundle arrives'.

FRIENDLY REMINDER! DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT eat spicy crackers and drink water in between. I felt like throwing up for the past 30 minutes. I spent like 75% of my time watching 500 days of summer eating crackers and chugging down water. I'm so smart.

Well I hoped you enjoyed.

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Have a fantastic day my lovelies

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