Chapter 16

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Troye's POV
It's been a week since Zoe's party, and since she's so keen on spending time with us, she decided that we all should go to a bar or something. Honestly, I wasn't so excited about that, ever since last time, I don't really wanna get drunk. She was understanding when I texted her and said that I didn't think it was a good idea, however, she did say that she wanted to go because of the karaoke night going on and that she herself didn't want to drink, so, how could I say no?

Today it was only me, Zo, Ty and Alfie. Something felt strange about the situation, it was almost as if this was a double date... oh.

'Ya wanna lift or do you know the address?'

I looked down at the phone, laughing at the previous texts between me and Zo.

'Sure, come over in like 10?'

With that I threw the phone on the bed and continued to fix my hair. After like ten minutes of struggling I decided to not put it in a quiff, instead I left it natural.

I still had about five minutes before Zo and Alfie came to pick me and Ty up. I rushed over to my bed and grabbed my phone and checked my twitter.

"Troye boy! Zoe's waiting!" Sage walked into my room looking quite annoyed.
"They've been waiting for like ten minutes! Now move your lazy ass!" I practicality jumped off the bed and rushed down, I didn't really expect to get so caught up in all the tweets.

I quickly rushed down the stairs and ran outside. Zo was standing next to the car, an unimpressed look on her face. I mouthed a 'sorry' and hurried over to the car. Tyler was already in the car, his head turned to stare out the window, he was definitely dazed off.

"Okay! Time to go boys!" Zoe clapped and playfully punched Alfie's arm.
"So you guys ready to sing!?"

"Hell to the yeah!" Alfie enthusiastically shouted as he began to drive the car.


"Is this it? It looks cool." I pressed my face against the cold window.

"It's not bad." Tyler stretched out his arms and yawned, I'm sure the drive wasn't that long yet he was able to fall asleep. I couldn't stop myself from scanning his beautiful body, his slightly messy hair and the faint smile, the way his eyes shone in this light, everything about him just shouted 'beauty'.

My mind slowly drifted over to the image of cuddling with him and me telling him all the things that make him beautiful and perfect to me-

You're becoming sappy Troye.

"Troye? Are you coming or are you going to be daydreaming about Tyler for the rest of the night?!" Zoe tapped me on the shoulder and I noticed I was alone in the car. Tyler and Alfie were already standing at the entrance of the bar.

"Oh, umm yeah, I'm coming." I climbed out of the car into the chilly air. Zoe grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the entrance.

"Well you took your time."

"Shut up Tilly!" I slapped his arm lightly and followed Zo and Alfie in.

"So, do you wanna get a little drink? Nothing too strong though, especially you Zo." Alfie pecked Zoe's forehead and wrapped his arm around her waist.
"I'm not drinking tonight since I'm driving."

"I don't think I'll be drinking either." I looked over to Tyler to see if he was going to drink tonight or stay sober like me and Alfie.

"Same here." Tyler's words felt relaxing. No drinking tonight. If something is going to happen, and that's not that improbable, at least we'll both know what we're doing.

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