Chapter 19

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Tyler's POV
I groaned as I sat up, my neck was aching from the uncomfortable position I slept in last night. Clumsily I felt around the bedside table to find my glasses. After finding the glasses I put them on, the room suddenly became in focus. I turned round, the other side of the bed was left a mess, Troye must have gone back home.

You're acting like a clingy boyfriend, and you're not even his boyfriend!

An unexpected sound came from downstairs.

"Mum? Is that you?" There was another sound, as if a frying pan was just knocked over. A minutes silence passed, and then there was the sound of the front doors closing. I got off the bed, threw on a fresh t-shirt and hurried downstairs.
"Who's there?" I turned the corner into the kitchen. Empty. I walked out so see if someone was in the living room, and there was.
"Queen Jackie!"

"Tyler!" She turned around, she looked shocked, then again I did just shout out whilst she probably had no idea that I wasn't asleep.
"You scared the life out of me!" She let out a breathy laugh.
"First Troye terrifies me, now you."

"So you saw Troye. Did he say anything?"

"Was he meant to say something? Did you do something? Don't tell me you did something bad!"

"No no no! Nothing bad happened, I promise. It's just weird he'd leave before saying goodbye." My voice faded with the last sentence.

"I'm sure your boyfriend had a reason."

"Mum! He's not my boyfriend!"

"He's not your boyfriend, yet." She gave me a cheeky grin.
"Everyone knows that you and him are in love."

"How would you know that? You're mostly out sorting out things so how would you know?"

"I have my sources. And by sources I mean the Mellets."


My morning was spent as usual, scrolling through Tumblr, laying in bed and listening to music.

It must have been around six when I heard the loud tap of rain against my window. I ignored it and carried on with whatever I was doing on my phone. To my suprise someone shouted outside.

What idiot is doing that?

I stomped over to the window and eased it open. I began to form my words without even looking who was doing it.

"What the actual fuck is going on- Troye? Oh my God Troye! What are you doing? You're gonna get sick!"

"Come on Tilly! It's raining!" He waved for me to come over.

"For fucks sake Sivan! Okay I'll come, but I'm bringing you a jacket!"

"I don't need a jacket!"

"You do! I won't be helping your sorry ass when you're laying in bed because your sick!" I ignored whatever he said to reply and rushed over to my wardrobe and pulled out anything that Troye could put on.

A short while later I opened the front door, the rain was falling fast and hard. My eyes darted over to Troye who was prancing around and spinning in the middle of the road.

"You know Troye, I hate rain, that means that right now I also hate you." I dragged my feet across the gravel, I fucking hate rain.

"Aww, I know you don't mean that!" His lips formed an innocent, child like smile that made my stomach flip. That boy.

"I do. Now here, have this jacket." I threw the jacket at Troye, funnily enough it landed on his face, his body tensed at the impact and a soft sigh escaped his lips causing me to chuckle.
"Put the jacket on you dork!"

"Okay mother!" After he slipped the jacket on we stayed silent, rain pouring over us. If I was with anyone else I would be complaining about how much I hated being out in the freezing rain, but right now everything felt perfect.

To my suprise however, Troye reached out his hand to cup my cheek, his thumb wiping away a drop of rain. At first I tensed under his firm touch and the piercing blue eyes staring right at me.

"Are you sober?" I was caught of guard at his strange question. His voice was soft. I stared at him as if to ask him 'what the actual fuck are you doing?'

"Troye what the fuck-"

"-Are you fully aware of what's going on?" His voice was now more powerful, the sudden gain of confidence surprised me.

"Troye! What the fuck? It's only rain, it's not hard to know what's going on!"

"Are you sober!?" The annoyance was clear in his voice.

"Yes I'm sober, now why are you asking me that stupid question?" As soon as I answered him he put his hand on my waist, the light in his eyes would make all the stars in the night sky jealous.

"I just wanted you to remember this moment."

THERE'S NO GOING BACK NOW!!! Short chapter, buuuuuuuuuut the rest will be in Troye's POV because fuck sleep! Who needs it anyway? Thus took too long to write, h ear me out! I was writing the first chapter of my new story and I was like 'I know nothing about crime' so I started watching how to get away with murder and I'm in fucking love! COLIVER IS SO FUCKING CUTE AND HOT LIKE OMG! I really need to fucking calm down!

Shhhhhhh, calm down Eliza.

OH WAIT! I got tickets to see Troye in Manchester!! I'm going with my mum because I have no friends who would be willing to go and he'll to the fucking no, I ain't going on my own! I really want to get a red/maroon Snervous jumper and a simple white TRXYE top to wear for the concert.

GUESS WHO'S BEING A HEALTHY MOTHERFUCKER!? ME! I'm exercising and I'm not gonna stop, it feels fucking good!

Well, tell me if you're going to Troye's concert. Also tell me how much if a bitch I am for having a horrible update schedule.

Stalk me on Twitter

Have a fantastic day my lovelies

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