Chapter 14

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Troye's POV
'Wanna come over? I tried texting Ty but he won't answer, that little shit!'

I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I reread the text. Quickly I put my phone down when I realised I wasn't in my bed.

What happened?

I looked around and memories of last night floated around my mind. I helped Tyler move back in, we talked and then we danced...

I pulled the covers off and sat up straight, my bare feet touched the freezing wood floor. I grabbed my phone again to check the time. It was already quarter to one so I searched the room for my bag. When I finally found it I pulled out a change of clothes and got dressed.


"Ty? You up?" My voice was not more than a whisper. Slowly I walked down the stairs and looked around in the living room, empty.

Cautiously I walked into the kitchen, in all honesty I wasn't surprised to see Tyler stuffing his face with food.

"Morning sunshine!" Tyler jumped up and looked up from his plate. He raised his eyebrows and looked down at his phone.

"You do know it's one already?" I rolled my eyes and plonked down into the seat next to him.
"There's some more food leftover if you want?"

"Nah, I'm not hungry."

"Troye. My pal. My buddy. My amigo. My bestie." I raised my eyebrows in confusion and he continued.
"Get some fucking food." He gave me an exaggerated smile and pointed towards a plate that had some waffles on it. I sighed and decided to grab two waffles. I began to eat and a wide smile grew on his face.

"Happy?" I took a massive bite and a small smirk spread across my face.

"Yup!" He popped the 'p' and giggled slightly, I couldn't help but join in.


I just finished my food and Ty was cleaning up the mess he most likely made when he was preparing the meal.

"Oh! Ty, I almost forgot! Zoe texted me earlier and asked if we wanted to come over. Should we go?"

"What day is it?"

"The third I think?" It wasn't supposed to be a question but my confused tone made it sound like one.

"I meant as in Monday or?..."

"Oh. Friday I think."

"Okay then, I'll just finish off and you text Zo that we'll come."

I pulled out my phone and started to type in the message.

'Hey Zo! Yeah we'll come over, what time?'

My phone immediately vibrated as a new message arrived.

'Oh look who decided to reply after like 70 hours! Just kiddin boo! How does 3 sound? The boys will come as well, you don't mind right?'

'Yeah 3 sounds good! Oh and I don't mind the boys, they're pretty great tbh :)'

'Great! Oh and don't bring your car, there will be a lot of alcohol since we're celebrating! Woop woop!'

'Celebrating what?'

'The anniversary of Jaspar becoming a couple! Duh! Now stop talking to me and go kiss your boyfriend or something!'

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