Chapter 38

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Troye's POV
8th September
(Okay so his chapter was supposed to be cute but I randomly started thinking of dicks and then stuff happened and ugh! Like this chapter is all over the place,  so sorry, but I just want to speed up the whole ending of the story because I JUST WANT TO FINISH IT SO BAD AND OMG I WANT TO GIVE Y'ALL A REALLY CUTE EPILOGUE!)
"I owe you a date, care to join me?" I handed a single rose to Tyler who was sitting at the kitchen table with papers and documents infront of him.

Tyler looked up at me surprised. He had the right to, not everyday does your boyfriend come up to you offering you a rose whilst wearing a very, very, expensive suit.

He gladly took the rose, smiling softly and blushing. He slowly stood up and wrapped his arms around my neck. I looped my arms around his torso and gently pulled him into me.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yup!" He popped the 'p' and pressed his lips to mine for a short kiss.

"Good, because I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I already booked this like a month ago, even then it was hard to book."

"Why are you already dressed up?" Tyler studied my body, his brows burrowed in confusion. I pulled myself away from him to get my phone out of my blazer pocket. I checked the time and clicked my tongue before looking back at Tyler.

"Because... our date is in roughly two hours... So go get dressed!" Tyler looked at me in horror.

"Two hours!? I don't even have a suit!"

"Ahh! About that, you're wrong. You do have a suit. I got your measurements of the suit you wore for Steele's wedding and got you a new one. It's on the bed. Now hurry up princess!" I playfully slapped his ass, not giving him an opportunity to say anything else.

I guess Tyler was shocked at the suit I got him because the next thing I heard from upstairs was 'are you fucking serious!?', which yes, yes I am being serious.

When I heard the creak of the stairs I instantly looked up. There he was. The man of everyone's dreams. The suit hugged his body and showed off all of his beauty. His silk black tie against the crisp white shirt just shouted elegance.

He took my breath away, I was left feeling like all the air was let out of a balloon. I just died and went to heaven and he's the angel greeting me at its gates.

"Wow...." That was all I was able to manage, no other words would describe how I was feeling.

"That good? I think you're exaggerating."

"Are you kidding!? I'm not exaggerating, Ty." Tyler finished walking down the stairs, he was standing so close to me that I could feel his chest against mine.

"Well I think you look pretty 'wow' as well." His lips slowly moved against mine. The feeling of his warm tongue licking into my mouth caused my breathing to hitch. Our tongues met, lazily moving together.


The restaurant was the type to have chauffeurs escort and park your car whilst you went and entered into the foyer, now that's how you know it's an elegant restaurant. I trusted the tall man with my car, he shot me a reassuring smile and drove off as I and Tyler walked inside.

"Good evening gentlemen, what name are you booked under?" The woman smiled, moving her long straight black hair away from her face. She had a truly beautiful face, I mean, if I wasn't taken and I wasn't gay I would have invited her out.

"Sivan. Table for two."

"Ahh yes! Right on time. Please follow Stevie to your table and have a lovely evening." The woman blushed when she made eye contact with the other woman, Stevie I presume.

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