Chapter 15

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Tyler's POV
I opened my eyes and flinched at the light coming from the window. I did a few morning stretches to get rid of the pain from sleeping on a couch. My arms reached out to the coffee table to grab my phone. I looked at the screen to check the time, 11:36. To my suprise I found a few text messages. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the messages.

'Hey Ty. I hope you feel well, you passed out really quickly yesterday :)'

A wide smile spread on my face as I checked who sent the message. Of course it was Troye.

"Ty! You're up, great, have this." Zoe walked in the room with a pill and a glass of water in her hands.
"I feel like I've just spent the whole night hitting my head on a brick wall." Zoe passed me the cup and pill.
"How about you?" I swallowed the pill and chugged down the water.

"Honestly, not that bad. I definitely don't feel as bad as after the birthday party." Zoe threw herself onto the couch and groaned loudly.

"Why do parties involve so much alcohol!" She moaned as she started to sit herself up.

"Because you always buy so much." I poked her cheek playfully and she shot me a death glare.

"Next time, no alcohol. Just a few friends hanging out and having fun without alcohol."

"I agree."


We spent a while just watching random tv shows, occasionally we send something stupid and burst into fits of laughter.



"Do you remember last night when we played seven minutes in heaven?" How could I forget? The last round left me in so much shock, I knew who was in with me and I had my guess on what was going to happen.
"Ty!" I snapped back into reality when Zoe clapped her hands infront of my face.
"You just zoned out! So do you remember or were you too drunk?"

"Umm yeah, I remember..." Zoe moved closer to me, she smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.
"Stop!" I playfully pushed her back.

"So what happened? Huh? Anything, sexual?!" She spun her head and in an over the top manner she bit down on her bottom lip trying to act seductive.

"No?" This wasn't supposed to be a question but somehow it turned out to sound like one.

"You insure? Explain what happened. I'm all ears!" I positioned my body to face her, she quickly did the same.

"Well. I mean. Umm."

"You forgot how to speak? You no speak anglais?" She teased as I rolled my eyes.
"Now carry on!"

"So, I was in the closet waiting for the next person to come in, the alcohol was already starting to make me feel drowsy. The door opened and I already knew who it was but I acted as if I had no clue. So we sat in silence. It was tense, tense and uncomfortable. Then I felt really tired and rested my head on his shoulder and we sat like that for a bit until he started to move his hands up my arms up to my shoulder, then to my neck and the finally to my jaw..."

"He was gonna kiss you!" Zoe burst out into fits of squeals and inhuman noises.
"I swear this is like some fanfic!"

"Why don't you write it down, might become a bestseller one day."

"It will! Now continue, what happened after he grabbed your cheek?" Her eyes went wide and she laughed.
"You know, the other cheek?" I stared at her blankly for a second or two until I realised what she just said.

"Zoe!" She finally burst out into laughter. When she ran out of air she finally stopped.
"Should I continue?" Zoe simply nodded.
"So after his hand was on my face he left it there for a few seconds, suddenly it felt as if he was moving closer... and... and..."


"And then someone knocks on the motherfucking door!"

"So basically we ruined your chance to kiss?"


"Ty, you know that this basically means he wanted to kiss you. That he wants to kiss you!" Zoe emphasised the point by looking me straight in the eye.

"He was drunk. So was I. Maybe it was an accident."

"Ty! Don't try to kid yourself, we both know that he likes you and I'm pretty sure that he knows you like him too, you guys are just too scared to do anything."

"And what then?! Let's say we did do something about it, what then? He'll have to leave before December, this means we'd only have a few months together because we both know that long distance relationships don't really work out!" I was holding back tears at this point.


"And then again why would he want me? He deserves better, the truth is that he'll probably find someone better when he goes back, so what's the point?"

"Tyler! Stop already! Stop lying! You may not know this but you are amazing and wonderful and perfect and if somebody doesn't realise that they must be blind. And you may not know this but Troye adores you, I may not be a mind reader or wizard or whatever but I know that you two are perfect for each other. Yes. He may leave before December but that means you have roughly eight full months together, and if it goes well I'm sure you'll spend the rest of your lives together. Trust me." The hot tears were starting to roll down my face. Zoe pulled me into a firm hug.
"Trust me. If he doesn't treat you right I'll kick him where the sun doesn't shine and even deeper."

"Thanks Zo."

"No problem Ty." She slowly started to pull away from the hug. When we weren't hugging anymore she wiped away the tears on my face.
"Now, anything else you want to talk about? Any fun topics you wanna discuss bestie?"


Exactly 1000 words!! Okay so this is a filler but in a way it's an important filler? Anyways it was needed for Tyler to realise some stuff and what not.
Well this is the last chapter of 2015! This year was both amazing and utterly shit!
So this is gonna be uploaded on the 23rd which is the day on which I'm leaving for my Christmas holiday to my family which I haven't visited in like 5 or 4 years! I'm so pumped yet scared for the next two or three chapters. Like I have this awesome plan but I don't know how I'm going to be able to write it! I'm so scared that it will turn out terrible.
In other news, Tyler tweeted lost boy lyrics, Troye is killing me with his nose piercing and his singing videos, my cat is evil, I have become total Panic! At The Disco trash, Brendon Urie is fucking hot as hell, my blue neighbourhood bundle order arrived, my BN jumper is beautiful and comfy, my face is becoming smooth and clean, I am slowly turning my friend into complete and utter phan trash, etc. I also uploaded a rant and personal book if you wanted to read. Updates will start after Christmas same as this book.
Also... I have the sims 4 get to work now and I have zalfie and troyler in it! I didn't make the sims so that's why they look so good but oh well.
I can't believe 2015 is nearly over, it went by so quick, I don't think I'll miss it that much though. I definitely won't miss it as much as I miss 2014, that year was fucking amazing!

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Have a fantastic Christmas or if you don't celebrate it well I wish you just a fantastic time in general my lovelies

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