Sauvetage Rapide

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Alfred stood by the crumpled body of his beloved, watching him sleep. He smiled as he ran his hands down his back, waking him from his sleep. His beloved looked up, grimacing from the pain as he sat up and looked up at his new master. A familiar smell permeated the air, and he scrambled away, trying to get out of reach, but it was too late.

Alfred's hands were around his small slender hips seconds before he could get away, and he was placed in an awkward position under Alfred's body. He groaned with pain, only furthering the action of the larger man atop him. "Get off of me..." He growled, trying to get away, but Alfred was to strong for his weakened body. Alfred took hold of the collar and read it aloud, facing Arthur to the mirror. "My..beloved." Arthur hissed, squirming. "You know damn well that you are... And you are nothing more than that. Just a pet with a name. Now..."

His hands slithered down into Arthur's undergarments, making Arthur squeak pathetically. But before he could go any further, be heard a commotion downstairs in his foyer. A familiar french voice yelled obscene phrases, while gunshots could be heard firing quickly to dispatch the guards and servants trying to defend from the sudden intruder. Alfred shot up, running out of the room, locking the door behind him. A few words were exchange before more gunfire... Arthur slowly saw darkness as the sounds mixed and suddenly went silent. He saw black and white, before going unconscious.

(Psst, should Arthur end up with Alfred or Francis? You guys can vote (one vote per person) and at the end of this week (Sunday, December 13) I will post the next update (and I promise to be more consistent with my updates!!) With the "winner" of the downstairs battle getting the "reward" if y'all know what I mean ;) have a good weekend)

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