A new start(?)

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Arthur woke up in an unfamiliar space. He could hear the crashing of waves outside, and a soft light from the window cast everything in an orange-ish hue. He lifted his head, and looked out the window. He was high up, maybe on a second or third floor. Alfred's mansion had only been a two story.. Wow. The view was so beautiful. The ocean was a deep blue, the waer slowly washing over the sand and pulling back. It had to be a vacation house, a palace of sorts. Where in the hell was he..

He heard the door click open, and quickly laid his head back down. The man from the forest walked in, bandaged up. Now that he thought about it.. he was bandaged up too. This man.. saved him. The once fear slowly drained away, as he saw what was in the frenchmans' arms. An Aide kit. He must've come in to change out the bandages..

Francis set down the aide kit, and slowly moved the covers away from Arthur's arms. He hadn't noticed that Arthur had finally awoken. 'He's so frail. His health is so poor. How long was he there..' He removed the bandages from Arthur's arms, and gently wiped them down with a wet cloth to clean the scratches and cuts. 'He must be in pain. He's twitching in his sleep.' He kept his eyes on the wounds and only the wounds, not wanting to get distracted by the British beauty laying in what was once one of his empty guest rooms. He ran the cloth over a deeper cut..

"Ouuuch!" Francis jumped at the sudden outburst from the smaller man. "MERDE!" Francis clamped his hand over his own mouth, and stared down at his now awakened guest. "Oh jeeze, I'm so sorry, mon ami. I did not mean to hurt you, I was just trying to clean it and-" Francis paused, and set down the cloth. "Does it still hurt?" Arthur nodded, and a stray tear slipped down his cheek. "U-uhn.. I'm sorry for startling you..b-but that hurtt.." Francis slowly brought his hand up to Arthur's face, and wiped away the tear. "Do not apologize. I should have been more gentle" France lifted a clean roll of bandage from his kit. "I should apologize, for bringing you here.. you see, I couldn't bring you to a hospital, but I probably should have.."

Arthur looked confused. "I.. why couldn't you.." Francis sighed, and frowned. "Have you ever been in that area of the country, that Alfred had taken you?" Arthur flinched at the name, and looked away. "N-no.." "In that part of the country, Jones is.. a wanted man. The police have devolved to playing dirty, taking any chance they can get to use against Jones, to get him willingly behind bars. You see.. they can't make the arrest legally. Nobody has evidence against him, so they would need a confession. Which Jones obviously wouldn't give willingly, non?" Arthur thought on it, and suddenly it hit him. "If you had gone to the police, or if they had found out about your unwanted connection with Jones, they would've tried to use you as a pawn. And how many people do you think have died because Alfred gave no shits about his 'playthings'?"

Arthur let out a broken sob, bringing his newly bandaged arm up to cover his face. "Why dId I get into this mEss.." Francis felt a stab of guilt as he thought about that himself. Did Alfred see his clear infatuation and had taken Arthur? It was.. all his fault. "Hey now. I know it doesn't seem like it now.. but everything's going to be alright. I.. I'm planning something. Well, trying to. Alfred thought I was dead, but I'm not sure what he thinks now. I.. I promise, I'll keep you safe. I'll kill that son of a pute."

"Can I.. Ask you a.. a question?" Francis gave him a gentle smile, and a nod. "What is your name! And uh, How did uh... how did you know? That I was his.. you know.. and where I was? And.. why were you there, if.. if 'lfred thought you were dead?" Arthur quick fired off the questions, and held his breath, waiting for him to answer at least one of them. Francis looked away and swallowed harshly. "Ah.. Pardon, i never introduced myself. How rude of me. My name is Francis Bonnefoy. I had snuck out to the mansion to scope it out.. and get revenge on him, for prior.. incidents. But then I saw you run, and the collar you were wearing,," Arthur immediately put his hand up to his neck.. to find the hunk of metal gone. "I had gotten distracted, and I was spotted by servants, so I ran into the forest too, to get away from gunfire.. I was lucky to stumble on you before the wolves did." Arthur blinked up at him. This man.. was so brave. He's.. a hero  (Omg haha America look wwho's the hero noww!). He chuckled, startling Arthur. "That was more then one question, though, mon ami."

"Ah, I'm so-" "I'm picking on you. Please don't take it seriously. I actually am fond of a curious mind. It hints at a bright and creative personality." Arthur snapped his mouth shut and blushed. "Well now.. I'm going to go make some dinner. I'm sure you're very hungry.. I'll make sure to make something light for you. How does soup sound? Perhaps a potato, or a chicken broth.." Arthur was only able to nod, and he looked back at the window. "Ah. I see, you like the view. I've taken you to my second home.. my first is in disrepair thanks to.. ah, nevermind that. There are clothes that should fit you in the closet. Bathrooms down the hall, if you want to take a shower. Or, if you'd like to sleep, that's fine too. You can do whatever you wish, just be careful of the stairs. You should take them slow. Even though I didn't see anything wrong with your ankle.. it's best to be easy on it for now." He finished wrapping up Arthur's arms, and stood. "I'll be downstairs. Yell for me, if you need anything."

And with that, Francis walked out of the room, leaving the door cracked.

Ah, another part out. Fruk is so cute >u< I hope you guys like it so far! Ciao~

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