Late night disturbance.

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Arthur yawned, and stretched, sitting up and looking around. Ah, so it wasn't just a fever dream. He sat in the bed that Francis had brought him to.. how long has he been sleeping? He looked over at the clock, and winced. Midnight? Francis must surely be asleep. But.. there was a distinct pain in his stomach. Hunger.

Arthur slowly got to his feet, and walked over to the closet. When he opened it, he smiled, seeing that there were very modest outfits sitting neatly folded on shelves. He pulled out a plain blue shirt, and a pair of black shorts, before looking down at himself. He was still in his boxers, thankfully, but something felt off about all of this. Perhaps it was from being saved, and his mind was still fearing the possibility of being captured again?

He silenced his mind, and slowly dressed himself. This man saved him, there's nothing more to be afraid of. 'He seems capable. He can protect me.' He kept repeating it in his mind over and over as he made his way out of the room. He took Francis's advice in taking the stairs slow, and found himself in the living room. Looking around, he noticed there were paintings on the walls,.. and got lost in them. Most of them were different depictions of.. water lilies? He was so distracted by the colors, he hadn't noticed the figure that was suddenly standing next to him, viewing the paintings as well.

"...Claude Monet." Arthur jumped, startled at the sudden voice next to him. Francis chuckled softly, and pointed to the paintings. "I only have five of his works. They.. were his flowers. A garden he tended to in his home in Giverny. I bought them at an auction.. they inspire calm and peace, when I gaze at them." Arthur stared at Francis for a second, before going to ask a question. Just as he opened his mouth, Francis spoke up. "Ah, sorry. I must be boring you. And uh, by that sound you made, you must be very hungry, oui?" Arthur hadn't noticed the sound his stomach has made, leaving him slightly embarrassed. "Y-yeah.. I.."

"Well, lucky for you, I put some of the dinner I had made up, in case you awoke. I'll go heat it up. If you wish, you can sit here in the living room.. or at the oasis in the kitchen..." Arthur nodded, and followed Francis into the kitchen. After having eaten, he felt much better, but felt immensely tired, even after having just waken up. "Thankyou. I.. I'm tired again, I'm sorry." "Hey, don't apologize. It's okay to be tired.. it must've been exhausting. Here.. I'll take your bowl and wash it. Then I'll help you back up to your room, oui?" Arthur again nodded, and waited patiently. His movements were getting weaker, and he felt like it was a workout just getting up the first few steps. But, it felt like the world was caressing him as he laid down on the bed. He sighed in content, and whispered out a soft 'thankyou..' before passing out.

(France is the hero. Well, he is in this story~ but who knows who Arthur will end up with?)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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