Two Down

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There, standing by the electrical gate, was Francis, watching with curiosity as the small British "pet" helped the servants plant a new breed of flower in Alfred's garden. Francis growled at this. "He's been brainwashed" His thoughts strayed to the petite build of Arthur, watching as he gingerly set the plants into the neatly dug holes "he's smaller than before.. It looks as if he's been starved. That scum... what else has he done to you.." Francis took a step towards the gate, to get a better look. He leaned his hand against it.. earning a hearty shock. He doubled over, groaning, holding him stomach. That hurt.

Alfred was inside, sitting at the table, watching his obedient pet help plant "Dalia's". The beautiful color catches the eye, and the unique look to each bloom excites the soul. He stood up, walking up to the door, to see the electrical fence go off. "An animal must've ran into it. I'll have a servant go check." And with that, he whistled, and sent a pair of servants to outside the fence. Awaiting their return he went outside, petting his pets hair as he worked.

The servant went out of the gate via access code, whispering to eachother. "An animal, you think? After what happened about a month ago.. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Someone and not a Something." "Oh, come now, you can't really believe someone would be that brainless, as to come so close to an electric fence?" "Ah, but if they didn't know it was electric..." "Oh my.. stop that. You are making me nervous!" "Well you ought to be! No matter. Here we are. And.. Oh. My. God." The two servants stared down at the French man, whom had froze at the sound of the servants approach. Francis looked up at the shocked faces of the two pale young servants... and his rage flowed.

Two down.

Who knows how many more left to go.

But at the end of this...

Hopefully, none will be left.

HEYYYY look I'm not dead! Hooray! Yes, I know it has been so long since I've updated. I was locked out of my wattpad, but I've gotten the issue resolved. I hope you like this new installment to my story, and I will be trying to update more often to make up for lost time!

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