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Alfred crept back up the staircase, carrying his pistol in one hand, and a bloody bat in the other. When he reached the door of his pet, he peeked in, only to find the beautiful creature asleep. He sighed, now too tired for what he had planned. He turned off the air that ran into the room, and turned on the fan in the corner, to clear the heavy air. He coughed, and looked down, noticing a hole in his favorite shirt. His favorite shirt. He fumed, his face goin pale. "The bastard actually did hit me..." He left the room, locking the door behind him. He went back down, counting casualties and dragging the bodies to the backyard. Those who had survived, began to quickly help, carrying their fallen friends to the back. Then Alfred took out his phone, and called a number in his phone under the name "cleaning crew". After the call, a bunch of trucks pulled in to dispose of the bodies, and help completely clean the mansion and sanitize the blood stained floor.

A few hours passed, and he was leaning against the wall, pressing his hand over the newly sewn, bandaged bullet wound. It hurt, hurt worse than any wound he had sustained before. He hrit his teeth, not wanting his servants to see his clear pain and frustration. But in fact, it had been his fault anyway. He found that his pet was eyed by another mafia leader, and had sent a taunt. He new full well this could happen, would happen... yet he did it anyway. He sat down, thinking about the last words the frenchman had said before dying.

(Yes i fully know countries are canon not to die but its a fanfic so wwhatevver)

"He will never love you. Don't you understand, you are a monster...?"

He slammed his fist into the wall, causing his hand to go through it and touch the soft insulation underneath. "Fuck him...I'll make my beloved love me...HE IS GOING TO LOVE ME." He shook with rage, pulling his hand out of the wall, and heading to his pet's room. He whispered again, "he's going to love me..." He opened the door, revealing a still sleeping, curled up brit. Alfred laid next to him, slowly running his hands down Arthur's pants, rubbing his hips gently. Arthur woke up with a start, squirming to escape Alfred's grip. Alfred only laughed, and licked right below his ear. Arthur shivered, still struggling. Alfred, holding firm his hips, grinded against the warm brit, blowing warm air onto the back of his neck. A moan escaped the brits mouth, and Alfred swallowed hard, trying to keep his patience, and see if he could get his pet to moan his name... He removed his hands from Arthur's shorts, and carressed Arthur's chest, Arthur no longer fighting back. He pinched a tuaght nipple under the soft fabric, and rubbed at the other, recieving moans of approval. He turned the brit over, staring into his now lusty eyes. Arthur is well conditioned... "hello, my pretty kitten~ did you miss me? I had to take care of something... but enough of that..." he removed Athur's shirt, and ran his wet tongue down his pale chest, giggling at the strained face Arthur was making. "I'll try something new..."

Arthur moaned, not caring anymore. The lust kicked in... he wanted, no, he NEEDED this. He swore at himself, not believing that he has already given in... But then again who wouldn't? His mind raced, what could he mean, 'something new'? He then got his answer as his pants and undergarments were tugged off his body, and his swelling member was released into the slightly chilled air. He shivered, a small bit of liquid spilled down his member. Alfred lifted Arthur onto his lap, and his hand ran down his spine, as Arthur whined. What is he doing..? Why is he staring at me expectantly? Oh god... he's going to make me beg, isnt he?! Arthur stared into the patient Alfred's eyes as he fought to speak. A strained "p-plee-easee" escaped his mouth, and before he could say anything else, something warm and large rubbed against his backside. "Beg for me...beg for your master..." Arthur shuddered, and struggled, letting out a whimper, "m-mas-ster..? P-p-pleease... pleaase..." Alfred smiled, thrusting sharply into the tight brits entrance, tearing it s little, but not worried at all, Arthur's face went from pure pain to pure bliss as Alfred pounded into his prostate, drawing him closer to climax...

They came together, both of their hot, sticky liquid coating the floor as Alfred laughed in delight. His pet looked at him, and smiled, before passing out, leaving alfred to clean up his mess. He pulled out, wincing as he saw not only his liquids, but a little bit of red. He hadn't noticed that he tore him... or maybe he did, and he hadn't cared. He sighed, cleaning up with a nearby towel, and swiftly carrying his pet to the bathroom to clean him up further. "Maybe... maybe i will wait a few days before doing any more to him... he will need time to heal... and I'll feed him as well. He will grow to love me....right?"

Thankyou so much for reading! I know its been a while, but i will try harder to get these updates out more quickly. Thankyou, those of you who respond positively. And im only going to say this once. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, STOP FUCKING READING IT AND COMMENTING. Thankyou again to those who really like it, and have a great day! Bye~

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