14. Musical Catastrophe

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"I am so sad to report that Victoria has vocal nodules and cannot perform the national anthem at Lacrosse Opening," Mr. Morris says. He's the chorale and orchestra teacher. I have been singing in his audition only chorale group since I was a sophomore because I was lucky enough to get a spot.

The class gasps and murmurs, "She's alright, but we do need someone else to sing it."

About ten girls shoot up their hands, all saying some variation of, "I'll do it! Me. Morris, I can."

I sink down into my chair in the first row and try to stay out of the conversation.

"That's extremely helpful, but I've already picked someone out, if they are wanting to," Mr. Morris goes on.

"It's me, we all know it's me Mr. Morris," a bass says standing up.

"Sorry, Peter, it's not you," Mr. Morris says laughing.

"Aw that's rank," he says. The entire class laughs, and even I snicker. Peter is the class clown and everyone knows it.

"Well, the person I had in mind was Kate," he says.

My heart stops and I look up quickly. "What?"

"Kate, I think you'd be excellent, that is if you'd like to sing the national anthem. You don't have to of course."

"How long do I have to make a decision?" I ask, playing with the ring on my left hand.

"I'd like to hear back from you at the end of the day if that's alright," he says, and the bell rings dismissing the class.

I walk to lunch and sit at our regular table. Dylan joins me today, he sits next to me and smiles.

"Hi, how're you feeling?" He asks.

"Better, but I still have to check in with the hospital. I go to support group every few days and I have to go to exercise every other day."

Leanne walks up and plops down in the seat next to me, "Hey," she says.

"Hi, you'll never guess what happened," I say.

"What?" Leanne and Dylan say.

"Mr. Morris wants me to sing the national anthem at Lacrosse Opening, Victoria has vocal nodules."

"Oh my god! That's amazing, Kate! Are you going to do it?" Leanne shrieks.

"You should! I mean you don't have to, but you'd be amazing!" Dylan adds.

"I know, it'd be an amazing opportunity, I'm just really nervous. I don't like performing in front of people though," I say, twisting the ends of my hair.

"Kate, I think it'd be a good thing to do, even if you're nervous," Leanne says.

As much as I really want to, I'm just too scared. I've never sung in front of anyone who isn't Leanne or family before. What if people think I'm bad?

"Mr. Morris?" I say, peeking through the door to the chorale room.

"Kate?" He calls from inside the room.

"Yeah," I say, walking into the classroom.

He's sitting at the piano writing something on a sheet of music.

"I think I want to sing," I say playing with my ring.

"Ahh great!" He says smiling. "I'm so glad! I've been rewriting the music Victoria was using so it has a soprano part instead of alto, but you don't have to use it."

"Ok, thank you so much! I'll take it home and look at it when you're finished," I say.

"Take it now. I'm finished," he says, "it'll give you time to learn the piece by the time Lacrosse Opening comes."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it Mr. Morris," I say.

"Anytime Kate, and if you need anything, I'll be here," he replies.

"Ok," I say.

MAX: I heard you're singing at Lacrosse Opening, congratulations!

ME: Thanks, I'm kind of nervous though.

MAX: You'll be amazing, don't worry too much.

ME: I hope so, I'm just practicing like crazy.

MAX: Kate, really, don't stress about it. You're an amazing musician.

ME: Thank you, you have no idea what that means to me.

MAX: Just don't forget the team and their dates are getting together to decide the lineup order. Bring the shoes you are wearing for LO to make sure you can walk in them, Coach told me to tell you.

ME: I won't, I have sound check right before that and I will bring my shoes.

MAX: Ok, so then I'll see you tomorrow.

ME: Ok, see you tomorrow.

Talking to Max makes me forget about everything in the world around me even if he's not physically here.

I put my phone down and stare at my U.S history textbook. While World War II has always interested me, I just can't seem to focus. I had studied a little when I was in the hospital so I'm not that behind, but I'm still behind. I'm behind in all of my classes, except English. I already read A Tale of Two Cities as a sophomore so I know the story.

I get up from the couch and walk over to my piano. I run my fingers over the keys and read the music Mr. Morris gave me. I can sing this no problem. I could of my vocal cords were normal.

I've puked so much in the last two weeks that my throat is sore and my voice is a little hoarse. I have been taking lots of cough drops and drinking a lot of tea with honey and my voice is almost normal now. It's a dangerous gamble to have accepted singing the national anthem since my voice isn't quite back to normal yet and Lacrosse Opening is in four days.

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