Chapter 1.

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A night out.
That's all I remember.
Bars in the world of minecraft really are not the nicest places to be.There are rude,loud and drunk people forever in your face,and by the time you got your drinks there would be no remaining seats or spaces.Music would be turned too high so you couldn't even hear yourself think,let alone hear other people around you,as their hot and sweaty bodies would be pressed against you.
However,the bar last night was different.
Secluded,with low pleasant music with just enough hype,as well as friendly and relaxed customers,all sitting comfortably in one of the many plush seats.The bar tender was nice enough perfect,with a fairly low and croaky voice,that smoothly suited him,making the atmosphere calm.
We had all gone out for apple and pumpkin cider,in celebration of Mitch's birthday,and Jerome had found this place whilst wondering around the forest.
A tad bit sketchy,if you ask me.
I remember him saying about 'how different and nice it was' and,'this is the perfect spot for our get together!'
And he was right.He was absolutely right.
It was until we were all settled and were happily chattering and sipping our drinks in the corner,did we notice things becoming...

A little bit dodgy.
The customers were glancing over their shoulders too frequently,with the bar tender and a few other people staring us down,as our talking simmered to a deafening silence.
I remember Rob,being suspicious,and saying that for some reason,his drink just didn't taste right any more.
And Vikk...

Poor Vikk.

He never really drank much,if never at all,and the one time we finally found a trustworthy enough place for him to actually intake a little alcohol,this happens!
He slowly started to get up,complaining about how his drink tasted funny and how he was suddenly getting a massive headache.
I always feel different around him.
He's so a child.And I feel the strange urge to protect him. Lachlan gets protective as well,as he seems to have a small...liking for him.
He wrapped his arms around Vikk's shoulders,before slowly starting to stand up,when he suddenly collapsed back into his seat.In alarm,we all crowded to check on them,and found them both unconscious.
Dread,was all we felt now.
For every single one of us had drank at least two whole mouthfuls of that awful pumpkin and apple cider.
And soon,one after another,we all had collapsed,with myself being the last one to fall.
I can remember the horrified look on Rob's face as he collapsed into my arms,eyes locked on mine,as if he could see into my soul.
was the last thing he whispered,as his eyes fluttered closed.
I remember holding him close to me,as the other,now not so innocent bystanders started to creep in closer.Darkness now clouding my vision,I remember dropping Rob on my lap as I slowly sank into unconsciousness,with my final memory being a pair of bright red eyes.

And then I woke up here.

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