Chapter 13.

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Rob cried, spinning round with light feet as he clashed shoulders with a prisoner sprinting the other direction.

"Where are we going?"

"The control room, haven't you been listening Robert? Were going to shut off the power, and try to find out the exact meaning behind this bloody organisation!"

They finally skidded to a halt as Malcolm finished, all panting for breath.

They all jumped when a blaring alarm went off suddenly, red lights flashing eerily, replacing the bright white that lit up the stone walls and plastic floor.

"We have to get in there, Jerome, Lachlan, help me bust down the door."

The three men lined up, before taking a running charge and busting the door down. Lachlan nearly fell straight through had Jerome not caught him, however Malcolm just pushed straight past them, leaving everyone else to stumble into the control room.

The room was large, with white floors and dark red walls, with the red light above them setting an unsettling atmosphere. They had entered through what looked to be some sort of entrance balcony, with metal barriers leading to a set of stairs to the room below. The walls were plastered with charts, layouts of the facility, maps, and prisoner records, and about 50 desks sat in rows with large, expensive looking computers and monitors displaying security camera footage. A large control panel with one huge monitor sat at the front of the room, with many confusing looking codes and files displayed on the bright screen. 

All 7 men looked down, and their eyes widened at the other 75 pairs of eyes that looked straight back up at them, each one belonging to a man that was either sat at a desk, or standing at the control panel. 

The room was dead silent, other than the alarm.

Then, everything happened at once.

The dozen guards that stood at the front of the room pulled out their tasers. The men at the computers bolted for a door just left of them. 


Malcolm wasted no time in pulling out his own taser, standing in a threatening position. 

"Guys, try to avoid being electrocuted, Lachlan, Vikk, get to the front of the room and pull the plug on the power."

"I don't think its going to be as simple as PULLING A PLUG!"

"Lachlan, what are we going to do?"


Vikk did as he was told, stepping back into Lachlan's chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around him, spreading his wings.

"Really Lachlan? Now is not the time for c-UDDLES!"

Vikk cried, scrambling to cling to Lachlan as they were launched into the air by Lachlan's huge owl wings. Lachlan whooped in triumph, Vikk eventually joining him as they took off towards the controls at the front. Only two guards remained, staring up at the two in flight, purely bewildered at the impressive wingspan. It seemed that the other guards were too busy fighting the other guys to notice the two, as they came into a fast landing in front of them. Lachlan didn't let go of Vikk immediately however, and instead kept a subtle hold on the back of his shirt, raising his wings to the two guards, making them run off in fright.

Vikk charged the controls at the front, with Lachlan watching his back as he did so. He had to somehow shut this thing off!

There were just so many buttons and dials, as well as different holes in the giant dashboard for keys to fit into, Vikk wasn't sure if this thing even had an OFF button.

Suddenly, a loud cry came from behind them, and the two spun round at the noise.


The other guys had managed to flaw two of the guards, and Preston and Mitch were armed with tasers from said guards, however more guards were slowly advancing into the room, and it was beginning to get crowded.

Lachlan looked at the guys, and then back to Vikk.

"GO! I've got this, go help them."

Lachlan nodded, before launching himself up into the air and pelting towards some of the guards on the stairs.

Vikk turned back to the console, and began to desperately button mash until something useful occurred.


Lachlan landed feet first at full pelt on three advancing guards, knocking them out cold instantly. he tossed two (currently turned off) tasers back to Rob and Jerome, picking one up himself before stabbing a guard in the chest with one. Rob and Jerome stood outside the door, keeping away the guards that wanted to enter, Malcolm and Mitch remained on the platform at the top of the stairs fighting three at once, whilst Preston and himself kept the ones on the stairs busy. Lachlan would occasionally sweep an eye up to keep a look out for Vikk, who seemed to be advancing in shutting down the systems. 

He turned back just in time to see Preston get smacked across the face by one of the guards he was fighting, and hit in the stomach with a taser by another. He crumpled to the floor, screaming in pain. Before the other guards could finish him off however, Lachlan managed to swing the taser across the back of their heads, knocking them to the floor out cold and smouldering. Mitch and Malcolm had finished off their guards, and were currently helping Preston back onto his feet. Rob and Jerome had re-entered the room for now, and Lachlan was just ready to feel triumphant...

Until he heard Vikk scream behind him.

They turned to see him slumped in the arms of a man with blood smeared across his face, a wild look in his eye,

and an empty syringe in his hand.



(du nu nuh)


The inspiration has returned! words fail me at how supportive and patient everyone has been, whilst being so kind and considerate! I will return to the grind of chapter writing after many moons of absence.

I love you all! 

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