Chapter 9.

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A loud voice scares Rob awake, as he and the other five shot up from their sleep states.He looked over at Preston, who had sat up and was now scratching his cute red fox ears, which Rob had instantly adored on his best friend.

"Today, you will have your first doctor appointments.We will be taking you three at a time.First group is..."

He pulled out a metal slab, which glowed a bright light into his face, reflecting his red eyes, and the large dog ears he was currently sporting.

"Preston, Robert and Lachlan."

He looked into all three cages, with said three making themselves known by standing up.He approached Vikk and Lachlan's cell, before pulling out his taser from the side of his belt.Both men shrank back slightly, with Vikk's ears pulled back into his oiled hair, and Lachlan's wings raising and curling slightly.The guard unlocked the door, and pointed the taser threateningly at Vikk, pressing him to the back wall.He slapped large handcuffs on Lachlan, and pushed him out of the cell, before removing the taser from the, now shaking, Vikk's face.The handcuffs were attached to a chain, which was attached to his belt.He slammed and locked the door, before moving to Preston and Rob.He unlocked the door, and growled at the pair.


They obeyed, finding their hands tightly bound with cuffs, as the door was locked and they were slowly pulled away. Lachlan looked back, to see Mitch and Jerome rushing to Vikk's side of the cell, who was still pressed against the iron wall.

They all followed the guard closely, as he led them down a string of corridors, each with at least 5 doors on either side, all marked as either labs, surgery's or doctor's offices.Everyone looked closely for detail, keeping the amount of security cameras and important notices in their mind.Finally, they all arrived at a door that was labelled, 'Dr. Tabitha Mara'.He opened the door, and beckoned them to enter first.

The office was well lit, with an almost cosy appeal to it. An old lady in a lab coat was sat in front of her desk, filing through multiple papers.She looked strict, with a stern scowl laced on her features.She had cold, grey eyes and her wiry white hair was pulled in what looked to be the tightest bun in existence. She looked up, and sighed irritably.

"Attach the chain to the back wall and leave."

Her voice made the already silent trio dare make any noise, as they almost tiptoed to the back wall, where the guard locked their chains into a weird iron bolt in the wall.Wearing an almost nervous expression, he left the room.

One the door closed, Dr. Mara's scowl completely dissipated.She smiled warmly at the, now confused hybrids standing frightened in front of her.

"Hello dearies, i apologise for the first impression.My name is Dr. Tabitha Mara, but please call me Dr. Mara."

She looked looked the boys up and down, paying close attention to their hybrid additions. Now standing, she was alarmingly tall for a lady her age (seemingly early 80's), as Lachlan didn't have to look down to meet her eyes, which were now a soft, and almost hypnotising grey.She chuckled to herself.

"Well, id say you all look rather healthy! A fox, a barn owl and a German Shepard. A lovely combination if i do say so myself! Are you all friends? Acquainted?"

Everyone nodded, still unsure whether or not speaking was such a good idea.

"Oh, now please don't be afraid of my appearance when you first stepped foot in my office, i only put that on to be respected. Im one of two only female Dr's here, so something has to be done to be heard!"

She chuckled, and everyone's shoulders relaxed.

"Now, you will be showered, fed and watered, and training will begin shortly after.Is everyone feeling okay?"

She looked expectantly at them, waiting for an answer. Preston, finally managed to speak for the three of them.

"Were all doing okay ma'am, were just a little nervous about the whole abduction and s-sudden body alteration."

She frowned at that, and Rob held his breath, afraid that Preston had said that a little harshly.

"I apologise.I said to them-I SAID to them to go and gain votes and volunteers! Not Kidnapping and torture!"

She gave them all sympathetic looks, before sighing to herself. 

"Well...although this was a rather short lived introduction, i will see you lot in a couple of hours.Now look scared! I need to bring that guard back in here!"

She grinned once more, and as if flicked by a switch, her expression changed in such a hateful manner, that it was almost automatic for the three to look solemn.


She shrieked, making them flinch.The guard immediately entered the room, before standing at attention.

"Take these lot to be fed and showered.Then put them in training room A before getting the other four."

He nodded, before hastily recollecting the chains, and dragging them out the door.

Not before Dr. Mara gave a friendly wink to Lachlan as the door slammed shut.

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