Chapter 3.

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When the door opened again finally, Jerome attempted an escape.He charged at the door, teeth bared with a low growl, however he was suddenly thrown against the back wall with force.He landed heavily, and laid on the floor for a second, looking up and snarling at the people at the door.He suddenly stopped however, when a body was thrown to the floor with a sickening thud.
A cry was heard as the door was slammed.

And the features of a blood stained hoodie clearly gave it away.

Rob was shivering on the floor, curled in on himself and whimpering, with uncontrollable sobs escaping him every few seconds.


Preston squeaked as he ran forward and slid on his knees next to him.He gently put his hands on his shoulders,before turning him over onto his back.


Rob screamed bloody murder, startling a silent and watching Lachlan in the corner.His large wings curling over his head slightly for instant protection if needed.Rob scrambled backwards into the corner,the now 5 inch layer of water on the floor soaking him quickly.

"Rob...It's me! Preston!"

He inched closer,crouching down low with a gentle out-stretched hand.

"No...don't hurt me...please"

Rob moaned,as tears very obviously started to spill down his cheeks.

"Robert.I am not going to hurt you.Look at me-that's all i want you to do, is to look at me"

He stopped inches from Rob, as he carefully looked into Preston's sympathetic eye's.


"That's it! Im here now baby it's ok. Lachlan and Jerome are here too."

Rob launched himself from the corner into Preston's arms,sending them both flying backwards.He buried his nose into Preston's collar as they both carefully sat upright. Lachlan and Jerome came and sat next to them,hands gently caressing Robs hair, and patting his back as he continued to weep.

"It-it was horrible! They did some sort of surgery on me and now i don't feel right!"

They all looked at each other knowingly.

"Rob...they've done the same to us! Im a fox, look and Lachlan's a bird!"

He pointed to his ears, and Lachlan's outstretched wings in example.

Rob shyly reached out, and felt the damp feathers.

"What am i?"

He asked, sitting back before looking at Jerome.

"Uhhh... can you stand? I might be able to see.My night vision has improved with...whatever they've given me."

Rob shakily got to his feet with Preston's help, and within a few seconds Jerome declared,

"I think you're a dog!"

Lachlan grinned for the first time in hours.

"Mr woofless! Tee hee!"

They all chuckled, and Rob sniffed with a small smile on his face.

"That probably explains my now incredible sense of smell..."

He murmured before slowly advancing both Jerome and Lachlan in for a hug.

"So...i don't suppose you know where-"

"No...we don't have any idea what they're doing to Mitch and Vikk"

Lachlan said bitterly,folding his arms with his wings flattened stiffly behind him.

"However...i have a feeling that they're gonna turn up soon.You, i think have confirmed that in the next few hours, were going to get one of them.And then the last one after that.And god knows whats going to happen next..."

They all hummed in dismayed agreement, before deciding to settle on the floor of their 'pool'.

Too much damn water to really call it a cell anymore.  

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