Chapter 6

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AUTHORS NOTE~ short chapter, I know, but I figured that this made up for the long wait for an update. Hope you guys like it!
**Cant seem to come up with a character for Justin, any help or suggestions?**

I was in my math class when it happened. It was so surreal. I felt like a princess. Justin had asked me to homecoming. I guess Rachel and Chelsea were right. I was clueless.

But the way he asked me out. Now to understand this, I hate math, I'm not bad at it, I just hate it. So he decided to make it better in the best possible way. Him and the teacher are on good terms considering Justin is such a good student, is always on top of his homework, and gets straight A's.

Now, onto the proposal. Right when I walked into math, I knew something was up. Most of the football team, Justin plays football, was there in a huddle. Right when I walked in they separated and stopped talking. Everyone of them looked at me with smirks on their faces as I walked to my seat. I sat down as the class started. The teacher didn't introduce the class like he normally did, no, he instead just sat down and watched the football team.

The boys turned and started writing nonsense numbers on the board. I'm not even sure if they knew what they were writing. All I know is that in the end they wrote a huge X=U , X=&, X=ME. Then some other boys came out and held signs that spelled P-R-O-M.
Then Justin comes out form behind them, wearing a t-shirt that had a big purple question mark on it. I stood up when he came up to my desk and held a hand out to me.

"Alice, will you go to prom with me?" He asks with hope in his eyes.

"Oh course," I say throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him close to me. The football players, of course, had to butt in and steal him away from me. He was in the center of all the craziness as they hooted and hollered for him. The football players clearly didn't put much thought into the math portion of the proposal, but it didn't matter. I was to prom with the guy of my dreams!

**Hehe, looks like Alice and Justin are coming to their senses**

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