Chapter 7

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"I told you! I told you!" Chelsea sings. I roll my eyes as we drive home from school.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," I say, looking out the window as the houses zoom past us. We were on our way to the mall to look for dresses. I had just got done telling her about Justin's prom proposal. She was ecstatic!

We were meeting Rachel there. Once we pulled up in the parking lot, we almost ran inside and went looking for her.

"I knew it! I knew he would ask you!" Rachel says once we meet up with her.

"Uhg! Not you too! It's just prom," I sigh.

"It's is not just prom! It is you two going out on a date, slow dancing, talking, kissing," Chelsea said dreamily.
I just gaged. I wasn't as much as a romantic as Chelsea was. Yeah, I mean it's the ultimate love story. Justin and I have been friends since we were in diapers. And now he's taking me to prom.

I was very happy and giddy when he first asked me, but after that I just thought it was any other night with him. We were very close. He would even sleepover a lot. He still sleeps over a lot.

The thing about Justin, his family life is hard. His dad is kind of an alcoholic. He doesn't want to tell anyone because it's not like he's abusive or anything. He just comes home drunk a lot. And when ever he does, Justin just comes over to my house.

"Hello! Earth to Alice!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Rachel snapping her fingers in my face.

"Huh? What?" I said.

"We found the perfect dress for you!" She said. Chelsea was holding up a light pink long dress with a loose flowing skirt and a gem filled top. It was strapless and gorgeous!

 It was strapless and gorgeous!

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I immediately tried it on. It was perfect! It made my skin look tanner and my boobs bigger! I looked at the price tag and my mood suddenly dropped. I nor my mom couldn't afford a dress like this! It was four hundred dollars! Plus shoes and accessories it would be a ridiculous price!

I trudged out of the dress and into my normal clothes and walked out.

"Guys I can't afford a dress like this. It's too much money," I complained. Rachel looked at me smugly before whipping out a credit card. Oh yeah, did I mention that Rachel currently is rich? She decided not to go to college and just start her own bakery. She was a really good baker and didn't think she needed a college degree to be a good baker. So all her college tuition went straight to her.

"I can't let you buy something like this for me!" I explain.

"Don't care. Buying it!" She exclaims wrapping the dress out of my hands and already running to the cash register.

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