Chapter 2

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AUTHORS NOTE~ hey guys, hope you enjoy this chapter!

That night we slept on the couch all night. I fell asleep on his chest and woke up to his loud snore. I sighed and got up to make breakfast. I made bacon, which I wouldn't be eating because I am totally against animal abuse, waffles and eggs. I see Justin walk through the door to the kitchen with his messy bed head. I smile to myself as he yawns and rubs his eyes.

"Smells amazing!" he exclaims, shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth. "Tastes amazing too!"

"Don't eat with your mouth full, it's not a good look on you," I say flipping some more pancakes. Once I'm done making breakfast we sit on the breakfast bar. We talk about our plans for today and he agrees to go to the movies and then to our favorite diner for lunch. Once we finish breakfast I leave a note for my parents and some left over breakfast in the fridge.

I go upstairs to get ready when I hear a knock on my door just as I'm putting on my scarf and knee high boots.

"Hurry up would ya?" Justin yells on the other side of the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I yell back. I throw on a coat of mascara and open the door. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of Justin in a gray T-shirt that clung to his body perfectly. He's wearing navy blue jeans with a pair of Nike shoes. His black coat was slightly open and his scarf was hanging around his shoulders and hung at the opening of his coat.

"Close your mouth or else its gonna dry up," he says teasingly. His eyes skimmed my outfit and I suddenly felt a little self conscious. I was wearing a pair of black leggings with a long blue sweater and a black fluffy scarf.

"Lets go," I say, he breaks his stare at my outfit, or body, I couldn't tell. I grab my North Face off my dresser and walk out into the hallway, closing my door in the process. We head outside and towards his white Toyota that blended in with the slight snow fall. We jumped inside his car quickly considering how cold it was outside. A winter in Chicago was the worst winter ever. The streets would get slushy and wet and you always had to wear rain boots or else your feet would get soaked.

We drove to the AMC Movie Theater that was close by my house in Lincoln Park. We saw the latest movie that I didn't even know the name too, but Justin insisted we see. While watching the movie, Justin took me by surprise by taking my hand in his. His fingers laced in with mine, his hand fitting perfectly in mine.

We stayed like that throughout the whole movie, our hands melded together. When it was done he let go of our hands to stand up and stretch.

"That was an awful movie," I exclaimed. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"That was amazing how could you say it was awful?" he says.

"There was too much blood and guts," I whine as we leave the theater and head towards his car. My stomach growled loudly as he drove off.

"Hungry?" I nod, "good thing were going out to eat."

I smiled gratefully as we chatted about non-sense things.

**Sorry if there are any typos in this**

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