chapter 1

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There was a rather dull school field trip day to the museum. It sounded exciting and all, but it was kind of boring. Cherry and Atticus followed their class, but had a hard time keeping up.

Cherry yawned heavily, she just wanted to sit down a while and take a nap. "Man... This is the most boring field trip I've ever been on..." she murmured.

"For once, I agree with you, Cherry, this museum is boring, I wish that it could be more exciting like actually being with in history itself." Atticus added in.

"Yeah..." Cherry sounded very sleepy.

The teacher took them through the Greek exhibit which Cherry was looking forward to since she liked mythology, but even the teacher seemed to make this seem boring and pointless. The other students seemed to wander off from this boring field trip as they followed their instructor.

"Long ago, in the land of Ancient Greece," the teacher narrated, very slowly and dully. Not even the awesome pieces of art in the section of the museum could entertain the girls. "There was a golden age of powerful Gods and extraordinary heroes. The greatest and the strongest of all these heroes was the mighty Hercules."

"Wow, that name makes the guy sound like he was incredibly strong." Atticus said, flexing muscles that he had.

"He was..." Cherry slowly shut her eyes and opened them again as quickly as she could so she wouldn't nod off. She hid a laugh at Atticus though. Yes, he was strong, but he wasn't that strong.

"But what is the measure of a true hero?" the teacher continued to lecture, not noticing the kids sneaking away from the trip while the class kept following him. "Now, that is what our story-"

"Would you listen to him?" a female voice from the Greek exhibit called. "He's making the story sound like some Greek tragedy!"

"Lighten up, dude." another one added.

"We'll take it from here, darling..." yet another one said.

Cherry rubbed her eyes, removing her glasses. "I must be more bored than I thought."

"Same here." Atticus said, rubbing his eyes.

"What's going on?" Cherry placed her glasses back on, but her mind wasn't playing tricks on her, it was really happening. "Is this really happening or have I been watching Night at the Museum too many times?"

"We are the Muses," one of the women, seeming to be in charge, told them. "Goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of the heroes. I'm Calliope, the muse of epic poetry, and these are Clio, the muse of history," she pointed to the one with the ponytail, "That's Thalia, the muse of comedy," she pointed to the short, chubby one, and this is Terpsichore, the muse of the dance, and finally, that's Melpomene, the muse of tragedy."

"Heroes like Hercules." Melpomene fanned herself.

"Honey, you mean Hunkules!" Thalia shimmied with an eager smile. She then dashed to a picture of the god of a man to show the girls. "Ooh, I'd like to make some sweet music with him!"

"Seems like she really likes guys that had muscles." Atticus said.

"OUR story..." Melpomene stopped her, then smiled at the visitors of the museum. "Actually begins long before Hercules, many eons ago..." the Muses them bounced out of the picture and danced around the exhibit while Cherry and Atticus's class seemed to had been gone nowhere, possibly in another part of the museum. The Muses started showing them a lot about Greek mythology with pictures coming to life as well.

Cherry and Atticus found this to be a lot more exciting and educational as they were being taught about the Gospel Truth about Zeus and many other Greek gods and goddesses at the time.

Cherry's Adventures of HerculesWhere stories live. Discover now