Chapter 1

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs.  I raced downstairs so I wouldn't miss breakfast.

"Hey, Catherine." My twin sister, Cheyenne said as I sat at the table.

"Hey." I whispered.  Ever since I was turned into a werecat, I've been shy around my family because I was afraid they wouldn't like me.

"Aren't you excited?" My mother asked, setting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me.

"Excited for what?" I picked up a small piece of bacon and slowly ate it.

"It's our sixteenth birthday silly!" Cheyenne sounded like a little kid.

I was so busy with a school project that I completely forgot about our birthday.  I took another bite, "Oh yeah, I forgot." I smiled to hide my embarrassment.

Once I finished eating, I got my backpack and started walking to school.  I walked in the school to be tripped by someone's foot and I barely caught myself before my face hit the ground.  I heard a girl laughing as I got up and I turned around to see Zoe standing there.

"Hey werecat, how does the floor taste?" She sneered.

"Better than your attitude." I retorted and suddenly regretted it as a knee hit me right in the stomach.

I grabbed my stomach and before I fell over, I was pushed against a wall.  Zoe punched me in the cheek, "Don't ever talk back to me!"

"Zoe, why don't you leave Catherine alone for once?"

The voice came from David, who was the guy Zoe had a crush on.  She quickly let go of me and turned to face him.

"I was only teaching her a lesson." She said in an innocent voice.

I didn't listen to what happened next, I got to my math class as fast as I could.  I sat at the desk at the back of the room as the bell rang.  I buried my face in my arms while we waited for Mrs.Key.

* * *

I ran home as fast as I could before Zoe could make fun of me or hurt me more.  I looked behind me to make sure nobody was following me, which caused me to run into someone.  He barely stopped himself from falling over.  I slowly looked up to see Matthew, the alpha of the pack, glaring at me.

"Watch where you're going!" He growled.

"Sorry." I squeaked, surprised at how angry he sounded.  He was nice to all the werewolves in the pack, but I was a werecat so he probably hated me.

Suddenly I realised his scent was all around me, and I knew this meant he was my mate.  Oh no!  I thought.  Please don't let my mate hate me!  I raced down the street to my house and in the front door.  I went to my room quickly and sat on my bed and started crying.  I heard my bedroom door open and looked up to see Cheyenne coming in.

"What's wrong, Cat?" She knew I liked that nickname.

"My mate." I said between sniffs.

"You found your mate?" She sounded excited, "Who is he?  Is he cute?  Why didn't you bring him here to meet us?"

When she finally stopped asking questions, I said, "He hates me."

"How do you know?" She demanded.

"Because I'm a werecat."

She hit me in the shoulder lightly, "That doesn't change who you are, or what your mate thinks of you."

"Yes it does." Then I told her everything that happened, including who it was.

"Your mate is the alpha?" She squealed with excitement, then she saw me glaring at her, "He was probably just shocked that he found his mate." she suggested.

"I doubt it." I muttered, "But even if you're right, I don't think the pack will like having a werecat as their Luna."

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