Chapter 14

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As much as I wanted to, I couldn't hold back the tears.  I started crying uncontrollably as I sat on the chair beside the bed.  I heard footsteps as someone came in and put their hand on my back.  I knew who it was because of the sparks.

"Get out of here!" I shouted as I tried to stop crying so hard.

He stepped back a little, "I just wanted to say sorry."

"Sorry doesn't get my sister back!" I snapped, "But I guess I should've expected something like this because I know you like to hurt me!"

"When have I ever hurt you?" He almost growled.

By this time, my grief turned to anger.  I laughed sarcastically, "Well, let's see.  How about a week ago when you purposely broke my leg, marked me without permission, and pushed me down the stairs?"

"Catherine, I-" He tried to say, but I cut him off.

"Or how about when we first met when you punched me, slapped me, and grabbed me by the tail when I was in my cat form?" I was yelling so much, I completely forgot about Cheyenne in the hospital bed right next to me.

There were as a few moments of silence, "You're right." then he walked out of the room.

I sat there staring at my sister while I thought about everything that has happened in the last few weeks.  Then I heard my mom crying as both my parents came in and stood beside their dead daughter.  That brought me back to reality and I started crying again.

"Out of all the wolves in the pack." My mom murmured between sobs, "Why did it have to be my baby?"

I couldn't stand looking at Cheyenne anymore.  I stood up and went outside to go for a walk.  I knew I would see a few pack members, so I wiped my eyes and tried my best not to keep crying.

"Hey, werecat!" Someone called before shoving me from behind.

I turned around, "What, Zoe?" I snapped.

"I heard what happened to your sister." And just when I thought she was going to be nice for once, she smiled, "You finally got the pain you deserve."

"What did I ever do to you?"

She ignored the question, "Finally someone got rid of that slut."

I knew she was just trying to make me mad.  And it worked, "My sister is not a slut!" this time, she went too far.  She beat me all the time and called me names, but I wasn't letting her get away with talking about my sister like that.  I felt my fist make contact with her nose and the impact caused her to fall over.  Blood immediately started gushing out.

She slowly stood up and covered her face, "You broke my nose!"

I expected her to say something mean and walk away, but she started crying and ran in the direction of her house, "Yeah, go run home to mommy!" I shouted after her.

I knew I shouldn't have done that, being Luna, but my anger and grief took over.  I just wanted my sister to still be alive.

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