Chapter 12

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We were walking back to Matthew's house when he suddenly asked, "So, why can't you shift to a wolf?"

I forgot he didn't know, "thirteen years ago - when I was three - I got kidnapped by some scientist, and he did something that changed my wolf into a cat."

I heard him growl, but I decided to tell him the rest of the story, "Once he did that, he called me a 'disgrace to werewolf kind' and left me in the forest to die.  About two days later, someone found me half dead in my human form."

His growl deepened, and I lightly grabbed his hand, knowing his mate's touch would calm him down. I looked up at him and his eyes were black.

"Do you remember anything about him?" He demanded, "I'm going to kill him."

I didn't want to kill him, but I did want to find him, "I think he was the alpha of another pack... he looked around twenty at the time..." I tried to remember as much as I could.

"Ryan!" My memories of it were fuzzy until I heard Matthew snarl that name.


"Shut up, stupid kid!" The man shouted as he carried me inside a room.

I might not have understood lots of things because I was only three, but I did know not to trust certain people.  I was screaming and kicking the whole time he had me.  He strapped me to a table and left the room for a few minutes.

"Yes, alpha Ryan." I heard a voice say before the man came back.

He was holding a syringe, which he then put the clear liquid in my arm.  My scream got louder from pain.  Then I felt my bones breaking.  What he did caused me to shift before I even knew what a werewolf was.  But I wasn't a werewolf, I was a werecat.

"A werecat!" Alpha Ryan growled, "That's a disgrace to werewolf kind!"

He picked me up and tossed me back in the black van he used to get me here.  A few minutes later, he took me out and threw me in the forest.

*Flashback over*

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Matthew growled again, "He's definitely going to die!"

We walked through the front door of his house.  I sat on the couch and stared at the wall.  I should have listened to my mom.  If I did, I would still be a werewolf.

Matthew sat beside me and pulled me closer to him, "Sorry I brought it up." he said.

I rested my head on his shoulder, "I would've had to tell you someday anyway."

There was a sudden knock on the door.  I moved and Matthew got up to answer it.  Patrick was standing there with someone behind him who I recognised right away.

"Alpha, we have a visitor." Patrick announced, moving out of the way to reveal him.

"Greetings, alpha Matthew." He said.

"Alpha Ryan." Matthew said flatly.

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