Chapter 9

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"Cheyenne!" I hissed, "Why are you doing this?"

She sighed, clearly annoyed that I wasn't climbing down, "David and I are mates." she told me, "I hate him, but the only way he'll leave me alone is if he has you, so I'm helping him get you."

"But I'm your sister." I tried to growl, but I couldn't, "Don't you care about me at all?"

"Of course I care about you." She growled, "Just go with David, I'm getting Matthew to take him to the dungeon."

"If you were telling the truth, we wouldn't even be here right now!"

"I want to make him think he won."

I suddenly saw movement in the bushes behind David and Cheyenne, "Mate!" my cat hissed with relief.  A black wolf pounced on David's back and bit down on the back of his neck.  Cheyenne lunged at Matthew as David fell to the ground, "We can't let her hurt mate!" my cat shrieked.  I was about to tell her there's nothing we can do, but before I could say anything, I was on Cheyenne's back, biting her ear.  She flung me into a tree with no effort.

Everything was blurry as I quickly got to my paws and tried to run away.  Something landed on my back, crushing me.  I heard a snap and yowled in pain as I struggled to get free.  I finally gave up and turned to face my sister, only it wasn't my sister, it was Matthew.He was snarling at me, holding me down.  The last thing I remembered was a deep growl, as I passed out... again.

* * *

I woke up in Matthew's house with a cast on my leg.  I must've shifted to human form while he got me here.  I let out a growl of annoyance.  He was the reason I had a broken leg!  He was the reason all of this was happening!  I was suddenly aware of a pain in my neck.  I slowly sat up and made my way slowly to the bathroom, relying on the walls to get there.  I looked in the mirror and almost punched a hole in the wall at what I saw.

"Matthew!" I hissed under my breath.

He marked me without my permission!  After breaking my leg!  And I felt bad for him after David attacked him!

I suddenly heard Cheyenne mind-linking me, "Cat, help!"

I ignored her, "He should have broken her leg." my cat muttered.

The call came again, "I'm in the prison - ow!"

I could tell she was getting her punishment and I did feel bad for her, but I wasn't about to help her.

"Please!  You're their Luna, they'll listen to you!"

I gave in and answered her, "Why should I?"

"I'm your sister!"

I scowled, "Huh, I said the same thing when you looked like you were going to kill me."

She stopped and I didn't know if it was realisation, or I just lost the mind-link, but I didn't care. Forgetting about my leg, I tried to walk to the stairs.  I fell the second I put weight on it and whimpered as I started crawling.  I didn't have a chance to figure out how I was going to get down, before something pushed me.  I moaned in pain as I landed at the bottom of the stairs, unable to get up.  I saw Matthew grinning at the top.

"Shift." My cat urged me, "We can run with only three paws."

I doubted that, but I shifted and limped as fast as I could to the door.

Matthew quickly got downstairs and grabbed my tail, "Where do you think you're going, stupid cat?"


Sorry for not updating in almost two months, I didn't really know what should happen next.

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