how it started.

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Italics are flashbacks.
enjoy (:

Sunday 3:25 AM

niall: you say you love me, Zayn, but why did you leave me?

niall: all I wanted was to make you happy. I just, I feel like I cared more about this relationship than you ever did.

niall: it's 3:30 a.m., Zayn and I can't stop thinking about you.

niall: usually we're still talking over the phone. Talking about the most random things.

niall: I remember how you always fell asleep first because you said my voice helped you sleep. Although, I knew that was partly true. You needed someone to talk to over the phone because of your nightmares; they never let you sleep, and when we talked over the phone, I guess I helped you a bit.

niall: i don't even know what I'm saying.

niall: I love you.


Zayn knew he was hurting Niall, he just didn't want to admit it. He turned off his read receipts so it would just show Niall his messages were delivered.

It wasn't like he meant to hurt Niall, it just happened. Just like their relationship just happened. Don't get him wrong, at some point he did love Niall, hell, he was in love with him, but the whole long distance thing made everything so difficult.

No, him and Niall did not meet online. They actually went to the same school, Zayn just had to move to start fresh. He felt suffocated, nothing was going right for him and the best option he had, was to move. To run away from his problems because he can't face them. He wasn't strong enough.
Nor was he happy.

Zayn ran a hand through his already messed up hair, sighing slightly. He scrolled through the unanswered texts to Niall, his vision soon becoming blurry. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss Niall because he did.

"Excuse me." An Irish accent spoke. Zayn heard him, but he chose to ignore him.

"Um, excuse me. You're stepping on my backpack." Niall turned back to look at his friend, Harry for help. Harry just shrugged and pointed at his wrist to signal him to hurry up. Niall rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Hey, can you fucking move off my backpack?" Zayn was caught off by surprise and nodded his head slowly. Once Niall picked up his backpack he looked up to see Zayn giving him a small smile.

"Hi, I'm Zayn,"

"I'm Niall," Zayn outstretched his hand for Niall to shake. Niall looked at it hesitantly, but nonetheless shook it. Zayn had very soft yet rough hands, slightly bigger than Niall's. Both boys locked eyes and Niall immediately looked away. He was always too shy to look into someone else's eyes. Especially a stranger he barely met and if he may add, a cute stranger.

From that day Niall and Zayn did not continue to talk, they lost connection. It was like they didn't even meet. Both boys were in happy relationships and the day they both met was lost in the back of their minds. On January 14, 2015 was the day that Niall and Zayn started to talk again. Niall knew Zayn already moved to another side of Bradford, but that didn't stop him from stop all communication.

Zayn, being the flirt he is, flirted with Niall the first day they started talking. Niall, not knowing what to do, ignored the flirting because he was still wounded from his past relationship that ended over 7 months ago, yet his ex kept coming in and out of his life to fuck shit up for him, and leave him with many wounds for him to heal on his own.

As days past by, Niall started falling for the Bradford boy with such beautiful eyes. They talked over the phone almost every night, never wanting to hang up, too afraid to say bye as if it would be the last time they would talk to each other. They messaged each other 24/7, and when one wouldn't answer their message fast enough, they would spam the shit out of them until they answered. They were truly smitten for each other.

Although, one showed it more than the other. One ended more with a broken heart, not knowing how to get rid of the numbing pain, that hurt more than any kind of pain because he did not know how to cure it or how to explain how he felt. As if contents in a first aid kit can help heal something that is emotional not physical.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (: .

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-j xx

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