just a distraction.

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Wednesday 1:49 AM

niall: I miss you.
niall: do you miss me?
niall: please say you do.

Read 1:51 AM

zayn: i miss you.
zayn: so much baby boy.

niall: do you really?

Read 1:53 AM

zayn: I really do. I miss you being mine. I miss planning our future together. I miss our late night phone calls. I miss singing you to sleep, baby. Over all, I just miss you.

niall: you have no idea how long I've waited for you to tell me this. You mean the world to me, Zayn and just the fact that you aren't mine is killing me. I need you. You're my inspiration. My soul. And life hasn't been easy without you, everything has been falling apart. There's no light without you. No fucking purpose, babe. I need you.

Read 1:58 AM

zayn: I love you. I love you so fucking much. You're mine. All fucking mine.

niall: I've always been yours. I love you so much more. More than anything in the world.

Read 2:01 AM

zayn: I love you more than anything.

niall: I love you more than anything, everything, anyone and everyone combined.

Read 2:04 AM

zayn: I love you so much more, baby. I would go through hell just to see you smile. I would do anything just to tell you I love you. I will love you until my last breathe and even after that. My love for you is infinite and it will stay that way, my sunshine.


Zayn had tears in his eyes while texting Niall, pretending it was Perrie. They had broken up which caused Zayn to break down, he truly loved her, and he wasn't taking the break up so well. He needed a distraction and sadly, that distraction turned out to be Niall.

"It's just a little fun. It won't cause any damage. Niall will make me feel better," Zayn dried his tears, his voice cracking at the end. His stare turning into a glare, nothing but hate in his eyes, "fucking  pathetic little bitch."

While for Niall, everything was going perfect. He was happy. He had his Zayn back, although they did not label it- not yet at least. Everything was going perfect.

Later that night, Zayn and Niall ended up talking on the phone.

"I love you, baby." Zayn whispered.

"I love you more."

"I wish I had you in my arms. Whispering how much I love you while I play with your hair, and watch your cheeks become a cute rosy pink color. I want to see you smile or better yet I want to hear your amazing laugh." Niall blushed at the words Zayn was telling him. Hugging his pillow imagining it was Zayn.

"Stop, you're making me blush!" Niall covered his face while smiling.

"Yeah, baby?"


"Great." Zayn laughed.

You're just my distraction. Not more nothing less.



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-j xx

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