Driving my way to the address that was given to me, I was nervous. Every time I stopped at a red light, my leg would be bouncing and I would tap on the steering wheel rapidly. My damn heart was pounding dude to all of the anxiety that was going through me. Anything could happen to me, I can die today.
"You're destination with be on your right in 400 feet."
Looking around me I find a parking spot, pulling up to the curb. I jump out of the car, so frantic where I almost forget my keys in the ignition. This boy was driving me insane with these riddles.
And I was crazy enough to follow through with it.
Phone in hand, I listen to it telling me that I was getting close. In the process, I receive a text message from Lenny. I know this because of the specific ringtone I gave him.
Lenny: I forgot to tell you the directions after you arrive at the address whoops.
Me: what is it?
Lenny: go to the table in the far right on the outside.
He sent me to a restaurant. I'm actually going to meet this creep.
"You have no reached your destination."
I look up at the banner above me. He sent me to a French restaurant. My eyes scan over the tables, a little old man the only one sitting outside drinking a cup of coffee. I look more to my right and spot what I'm suppose to see. Walking into the outside dining area, I make my way to the table, grabbing the little gift.
"How sweet. He got me a Bouquet of roses," I say aloud. "Red roses."
I pull out the little card in the middle of the roses, flipping it open with my middle finger.
Hello Princessa,
I hope you're having a wonderful day today. I thought you would love some flowers. I'm sorry I can't be the one to give them to you, but like I said, I want to keep my identity hidden from you for a while. I want you to get to know me for me, instead of hearing all the bad shit about me from the students in the district.
I'll talk to you later Princessa.
A small smile grows on my face as I head back to my car, the roses in hand. As cute as this was, he was also being quite difficult. He's so quick to assume that I'm going to judge him so quickly, and that saddens me, but maybe he's right. I might think of him differently if he were to tell me his full name.Me: thank you for the roses, G. They are beautiful. And it's okay, I understand, but don't be so quick to assume that I will judge you due to some rumors.
I put my phone down into the console, and the roses in my passenger seat. So much for a frightening adventure. I was kinda disappointed that I didn't get to see him.
God, I need to get my shit together. I don't know whether to push him away or not. The way he treats me makes me want to know about him more, but the fact that I don't even know what the fuck he looks like throws me off.
I think I'm just going to trust Lenny's word on him.
Yes I am alive lol. I posted my vlog on my YouTube channel. It's basically me being happy about seeing the WEEKND lol. Also I posted a long Ethan imagine on my channel if ya want to go check it out 😇 my channel is Abby Hotzel!!!
I'm gonna start the next chapter. I've been lagging on updating but it's because of finals, and my concert that past, and me being sick 😴 so sorry about the absence.

imessages - g.d
FanfictionNew phone, who dis? You texted me first so idk Oh yeah. You're so stupid ©Madison Hotzel