"Man I wish I had a boyfriend, you think Ethan is single," Lenny starts, flipping through a magazine of hot male models. "He's an ass, but he's a piece of ass that I want."
"Oh my god, Lenard. The boy is as straight as paper."
"Yeah, but you can crinkle paper up so its not straight anymore," he says smiling. I shake my head at him, going back to my phone. I was looking at the weather, seeing if the storm was going to die down a bit, and lucky for me it was.
"So, what are you doing after school?" he asks me, putting down the magazine.
"I'm going to be spending time with Grayson."
"Y'all doing the dirty when you get to his place?" Lenny winks at me, and I blush. I haven't even told him about New Years Eve.
"No, we're not. Just going to watch movies and make sure I'm distracted."
"You know, fucking it a good way to distract you."
"Lenny!" I hiss at him. "Stop it, oh my lord. I'm taking away your porn magazines when I go over to your house."
"The hell you are, Eileen. I'm going to make sure Grayson keeps your ass 50 miles away from my house."
"Lenny, you life across the fucking street from me. How exactly is that going to work?"
"Sounds like a you problem, Eileen," he shrugs, taking his phone out.
"Can you two please be quite! We have this problem every day, and I'm sick of you two bickering loudly!" the librarian shouts at you. "I'm calling Principal Weddle, and asking for you two to be placed in a class. I can't handle this any m-"
The loud bell shuts her up, and everyone in the library looks around, seeing the flashing light in the corner. Me and Lenny look at each other, and we run to the corner of the library, away from the window. The librarian that was currently yelling at us, ran to the door, locking it and running to the corner with the other students. The look on her face was enough to tell us that this was a real lock down.
We look to the door, above was the speaker. It made a static-y noise, and soon enough we heard our Principal. "Hello Students, this is a real lock down. It has been authorized by the school district. Escondido High has a Shooter on campus."
"Then why do we need to be on lock down? Esco is 30 minutes away from here," Lenny says.
I ignore the rest of the message Principal Weddle relays. I quickly go to my iMessages, texting Grayson.
Me: Grayson, please answer your phone.
I stop texting him, calling him instead. I was freaking out. There is a shooter on campus. "Lenny, see what's happening! Go on Fox's News account on twitter," I say frantically.
His phone goes to voicemail, and I start panicking. Much worst. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, and my hands were slightly shaking as I pressed the phone to my ear. I let out a sigh of relief as I hear him breathing.
"Oh God, Grayson, you're okay," I say into the phone. "Why didn't you text me ba-"

imessages - g.d
FanfictionNew phone, who dis? You texted me first so idk Oh yeah. You're so stupid ©Madison Hotzel