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I still remember, that James had left at night. He and Petunia had stayed cooped up in her room, talking the afternoon away. I couldn't help but feel kind of distressed, but I ignored them best I could. It was just that Petunia's giggles were unmistakeable and incredibly loud.

When he finally left, it was already dinner time so we just ordered pizza (the brilliance of my parents). Surprisingly the fridge was empty. For some reason they had forgotten to shop when our food ended by lunch.

So that day, when I fell asleep, it was really late. My curfew being normally at ten, when I only go to sleep at one, it's only normal that, the next day, I'm not able to wake up.

So the next day, the sun rose up without me. And when I woke up, it was well past 10 so, after a long bath and a go to the kitchen, I finally remembered our fridge was empty and my parents were supposed to go shopping that morning. Petunia had probably gone with them.

So I just moped around my house for a good twenty minutes, looking everywhere for food only to be disappointed and end up deciding to go back to bed until my parents arrived.

But, as I was finally climbing the stairs, a knock on the door made me turn and groan. I was such a lucky person, I thought. I walked to the door and, as I was entering the hall, I found money and a note from my parents telling me to order something if I wanted.

Needless to say I felt incredibly stupid.

The doorbell rang again and I jolted in surprise and made me realise I still had someone on my door, no matter how stupid I was feeling.

I sighed and opened the door. My heart gave a big leap when I found a pair of hazel eyes looking at me. I smiled shyly and wondered what he was doing at my place when no one else was at home.

"Hey," he said

"Hi," I answered "Errr... what are you doing here?" I asked slowly, so as to not leaving him thinking I was trying to push him away.

"I came to see your sister," he answered simply, as if it was nothing. "I was suppose to show her around today and I thought we could have lunch first."

I nodded sadly. Of course he was there for Petunia. Show her around... yeah right. As if I was that stupid. "Well, sorry to tell you, but she's not home," I answered "She went shopping with my parents."

"Oh," he said, looking down as if disappointed "Oh." he repeated. He looked up again "Do you know when they'll arrive?"

I almost snapped him that no, I didn't know, when I thought better of it and just answered him nicely. What was wrong with me and this guy? Okay, my sister had gotten hot boys before this one, why was I acting like this now? What was so special about frigging James Potter?

"Yes, they left me a note saying they'd arrive at twelve." I told him.

He nodded as he looked at the clock in his wrist. "Well then, do you mind me waiting?" he asked suddenly "It's only ten minutes."

I looked at him stupidly for some seconds. He wanted to wait, so what?? I was capable of keeping him company for a couple of minutes, right? He was just another guy for gods sake! Another completely hot, cute, sweet guy my sister wanted! No big deal... no pressure... sure thing!!

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