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When we arrived to the Potter mansion, a maid I had never seen before led us to an enormous space where the ball would be held. It was full of people already, some of them that I knew from school and others that I'd never seen before.

I quickly said goodbye to my parents and sister and started looking for Charlotte and Alice. And I didn't have to look long too...


I smiled as Charlotte hugged me, "You're beautiful!" she told me.

I laughed as I looked at her. She was wearing a baby pink dress with laces in the end.

"You don't look so bad yourself!" I told her as we both laughed. "Have you seen Alice?"

She shook her head "I just got away from Mum. She kept dragging me to meet important people I couldn't care less about. James is the one who is now enduring her."

I laughed. "You're evil." I told her.

She smirked at me "If you think I'm evil because of that, wait until you see Sirius' pants!"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Charlotte..." I said in a warning voice. "What have you done now?"

She laughed. "Wait and see, my friend. It's nothing I haven't done before!"

"Girls!" we heard a voice calling us and we both turned and smiled at Alice.

She was wearing a brown also knee length dress, with straps in the end. "Have you seen Sirius? His pants are flashing pink signs such as 'Kiss my ass' know......his ass!"

I looked at Charlotte and shook my head disapprovingly, but couldn't stop myself from laughing as the one Sirius Black approached us, and turned his back on us. "Now," he started "You wouldn't know who did this, would you?" he asked, looking murderously at Charlotte.

She blinked innocently. "Nope." she said, popping the p at the end.

He shook his head, took out his wand and made the signs stop. Then he laughed and tried to ruffle Charlotte's hair, but she got away from him. "Very well Charlie. If I didn't know better I'd believe you hadn't done it."

We all laughed and Sirius' attention was finally back on us. "Hello, ladies!" he said, smiling. Then he examined me closer. "There's something different in you..." he said as he took a closer look at my face. I smirked as I waited for him to guess. "Ah!" he said at last "You're using lip stick!"

I laughed at him as I allowed him to put one arm around me, the other encircling Alice. "No, Sirius," I said. "I did my eyebrows!"

Sirius looked at me again and finally noticed my eyebrows now looked decent. "How come I didn't notice that?" he asked more to himself.

"Where's everyone else?" Alice asked.

"The guys are outside, want to join them?" Sirius answered her as he smiled at us. "You two are really pretty tonight, by the way."

Alice and I rolled our eyes. "You won't be snogging us tonight, Black." Alice told him.

He sighed. "Well, it was worth a try!"

We all laughed as we finally arrived to two double doors which were opened and led to the backyards. It should be under some kind of spell, as no snow was visible in the green grass. We stepped outside and found Remus, Peter, James and... my sister there.

I shook my head as I got rid of Sirius' arm.

"Who's that?" Alice asked as Sirius met them and we kept at a safe distance. "She's really beautiful."

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