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"I shouldn't have accepted it!" I groaned.

I stared at the ceiling of my own dormitory minutes before I was to meet Sirius Black in the library. My weird day just kept getting weirder. For instance, I had an Outstanding in a Transfiguration essay. Needless to say, I believed someone had switched it, but I was not about to complain about it!!

"Well, you did," Alice said, "So just get yourself in the library and get on with it."

I sighed. She was, as always, right. "Do I have to?" I whined.

I heard the door opening and took a peek to see Fiona and Meagan entering.

"You know you do," Alice said, "Just get going. Anna is in the library as well, if you need anything just scream!" she finished laughing.

"Don't joke about it. I might do just that!" I answered as I got up and picked up my stuff for Transfiguration.

"Off to meet Remus again?" Fiona asked me venomously, "I can't believe he actually accepted to tutor you!"

"Don't say that, Fiona," Meagan, always the naïve one, said, "Remus is a great guy and he was very sweet in accepting to tutor Lily. Besides, it's paying off, isn't it? She had an Outstanding this last essay, didn't she? Oh, but you should know she isn't going to meet Remus; he can't come so Sirius will be replacing him. James offered to do it, but Lily preferred Sirius. Although Charlotte was the one who pushed her to it. I mean, she just jeered her brother in front of her-"

"I think that's enough, Meg," Fiona said, cutting her friend off. I squirmed under her gaze which was now icy. I hadn't thought about telling her - since she was completely obsessed with Sirius and all.

"I thought Sirius refused to tutor?" she asked, this time to Alice.

She shrugged, "Guess he opened an exception," she answered, smiling, "Great guy that Sirius Black, isn't he?"

Fiona seemed to redden with anger when she turned to me, "Lucky you then, Evans," she huffed as she fell on her bed and closed the curtains around.

I looked around to see Alice shaking her head sadly and Meagan smiling at me like she had done this last few times as if to say "sorry".

"Okay then," I said, standing you, "I'll be going. Sirius is waiting for me."

I heard Alice saying "Okay!" as I opened the door and exited.

I descended the stairs slowly as I thought over how being tutor by Sirius would be like. I mean, I knew his personality outside, but I had no idea how he behaved in classes. But he must be a good student, I thought, or he wouldn't have such great results.

As I was walking through the common room, a voice called me, making me turn. Sirius, James and Peter were still there, sitting by the fire like they always did.

"Hey," I said, raising an eyebrow at Sirius, "I was going to meet you."

Sirius smiled, "I was thinking-" he started, touching his chin in deep thought.

"Wow. Way to go Sirius!" I said sarcastically.

James and Peter sniggered, but Sirius just ignored my comment.

"Like I was saying," he continued, "I've been thinking and I thought that maybe we could do your tutor lesson here, in the common room."

I gave him a bemused stare and looked around. The common room was full, people still arriving from dinner. He wanted to give a tutor lesson in here?

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," I said, as I finally turned to him, "It's too noisy in here."

The trio smirked, "I can get a way to shut them up if needed," James said "I am Head Boy after all."

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