{1} Best Friend

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{1} Best Friend

I do not possess any of the parts or storylines from Teen Wolf apart from Amelia.

I was packing all my clothes while skyping my best friends.

"God I am going to miss you" I looked up to see Ryan crying.

"Ryan, I'll miss you too more than you think" I had a crush on him since forever, but I guess it isn't going to happen.

"I get that you two are having a moment but come on Amelia I'm here to" This girl is my life, I would never imagine leaving her.

"Okay, okay Jessie I can't believe I'm leaving you, I always thought you were going to be the one leaving" It's true. I thought I'd be living in dull England forever. Jessie rolled her eyes at me.

"Hey, guys will you be coming to the airport tomorrow?" They probably will not as they have school in the morning but its worth a try.

"I can't my attendance is already below 85%" I knew she wouldn't come.

"I can, I mean I am 100% there is nothing wrong with not being in school for a day." I hoped he couldn't see the smile on my face.

"Thank you; anyways I need to go I will be sleeping now as I need to wake up at 5 am" My eyes filled up with tears, it took me ages to make friends I wonder how I will do in Beacon Hills. They said bye and I ended the Skype call. I was lying down on the bed and just slept all my suitcases were on the bed, but that didn't bother me.

The alarm had woken me up at 4:30 I had exactly half hour before we left. I quickly had a shower and got dressed. I put on my makeup and while doing it my hair dried. I had naturally straight hair. I put it in a messy bun.

5:10. What was my dad doing? I walked into his room and heard the shower. Great, he is awake. I knocked on the door, and the shower stopped.

"Dad, it's 5:10 we were supposed to leave ten minutes ago."

"I know, Ryan said he'd be here in about 10 minutes go make breakfast for yourself."

I walked out and went downstairs I grabbed a bowl and put cereal in it and poured milk I slowly ate it until you couldn't feel anything crunchy and I hadn't even eaten anything I poured it down the sink and cleaned up after myself. I heard the door bell ring. I had a huge smile on my face. I went and opened the door, and it was Ryan.

"Hey is your dad ready?" He said. Then my dad was running down the stairs while fixing his tie.

"Dad, we are not going to a meeting you don't need to wear a tie" Saying while rolling my eyes. All he did was the shrug. I went back upstairs with Ryan and carried my suitcases down. We were in complete silence.

"You'll call me right?"

"Of course, Ry I would call you daily if you wanted" If he still wants to be friends then I would call him any day.

We started taking them downstairs and put it in the back of my Audi S5. I loved this car since the day I brought it, and I will never swap this for anything.

"Dad! What's going to happen with my car is it going to stay here?" I was terrified is he trying to separate us?

"God no. I asked one of my clients they know this business that ships cars to anywhere so I signed up for it" I sighed out in relief and then I realized that Ryan was a little to quite.

"Hey, Ry you okay?" I whispered.

"Yeah of course just you know debating." Debating?

"On what."

It's Just Kisses ⇢ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now