{9} Persuasion

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{9} Persuasion

I had gotten up a little bit earlier than usual and got ready {outfit in the bar above or on the side}. I made my way to school as soon as I had finished my breakfast. As I had walked into school I saw Erica and Scott talking. I walked closer to them to see what they were talking about. 

"Two's not enough for Derek. I know he needs at least three. So who's next?" He said but in more of a hushed tone so no one really heard well except me. Ii was going to tell Scott about the encounter I had with them and I still was. If Derek was going after me then Scott should at least know. 

"Why does there have to be a next when we've already got you?" I rolled my eyes at her. Isn't it obvious yet? I have been here merely one to two weeks and I knew to why he didn't want to. Of course, Scott didn't buy the bullshit that was coming out of her mouth and continued asking to who was next.

"You know, I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until someone took a video of me once and put it online?" Considering how people treat her and how she feels afterwards I believe this and I think Scott did too but he didn't say so instead all he said that he didn't care. I felt sorry for her she was happy when I stood up for her but doesn't even bother talking to me anymore. She continues on with the story but Scott doesn't feel bad for her at all. He just wants to know who the next person. I tune back into the conversation that they were still keeping up with and realise how close Erica was to Scott almost as if they were a thing.

"Look at me now, Scott. That's right. You only have eyes for her. Also, tell your loser of a friend to stop listening in before someone bites her" I guess that was towards me and the biting part I knew all too well. Scott turns towards me and looks right at me and then looks behind me. He instantly grabs her wrists and pushes her away from him. Erica then walks away and Scott makes his way to me. 

"I know you heard what did she mean about the bite?" I wasn't sure to tell him or not but in the end I did. I told him the events that took place after I hung up on him while in the car. It took a while to explain what happened but eventually he understood. I made sure I didn't miss out anything that could help. Soon lunch came by and the boys were talking about an empty table. 

"Boyd" That was all I heard Scott say before he and Stiles were walking away. They explained it to me.

"Oh come on you can't seriously think that he has gone to Derek just because he isn't sitting at his table" They completely ignore me and continue talking to each other about if Scott was responsible for this situation or not. Scott and I were apparently going to the ice rink to if he was there and Stiles was going to his home. We arrived at the ice rink and was greeted by Boyd on a machine. Scott started approaching him slowly while speaking to him.

"Boyd. I just wanna talk. Hey, come on, Boyd, please. Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything." All I knew was about the full moons and all the side effects but in my opinion, there are only two bad things about being a werewolf. 1. You need to learn how to control yourself on full moons. 2. You're a werewolf which might be difficult to tell other people. 

Boyd then started to speak up "I know about the hunters" I didn't even know about the hunters and Derek didn't mention it to me when he offered it. Just when I thought this situation couldn't get any better Derek comes with Erica and Isaac.

"That really hurts, Scott. I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?" I was really going against Erica every time she opened her mouth. All the time it was something either negative or for pity. I started looking at the ground just because I didn't want to be involved considering I was the only human here and to be honest I didn't want to die at this moment. That's when the fighting started. I started moving away slowly making sure no one saw me but they did after Erica was thrown to the ground she came up to me at first I thought she was going to attack me but she didn't instead she pushed me out of the way by putting me behind the glass where I can still see what was going on and not get hurt. Derek was standing over Scott and his leg was on top of Scotts chest and it was obvious that he was having trouble breathing. He then removed his leg and Scott starting coughing and breathing in more air. Boyd got off the machine that I still had no idea what it was and went towards Scott.

"Don't. You don't wanna be like them." He said while struggling to breathe.

"You're right. I wanna be like you." Boyd said while holding his shirt which showed the bite mark. Boyd had a smile on his face almost as if he was really happy with the decision he made. If I were in his position and lived in his lifestyle then I would've done it too because he had a valid reason well kind of. He then started to walk away with the rest of them.

I walked with him to the animal clinic to ensure his safety not that I can do too much but it is worth a try. He also drags me into the clinic probably to keep him company. He lifts up his shirt and says "Why aren't you healing?" to himself. We walked into the main part of the clinic when we are greeted with two people. One who is a dead person (well he looks dead) on the metal table and the main worker at the clinic. 

"Because it's from an Alpha. I think maybe we better have that talk now." The vet said.

Guysss I updated in a day and I'm so happy I did. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the others to come

E xx

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