{2} I Made Friends With Criminals

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{2} I Made Friends With Criminals

I woke up a quarter to eleven. I shot up and rushed to the bathroom. I had a shower and got dressed I wore a dress that was dark blue on the top half, and the bottom half was a dull white colour. I put on a pair of black heels and my necklace. I blow dried my hair and started curling it. After I had finished winding it, around the wand, I brushed through my hair with my fingers making it look more natural after completing my hair I started on my makeup. I went down the stairs, and my dad was sitting down in the kitchen reading a newspaper. I made myself some breakfast and sat down opposite my father.

"Did my car come?" I said with food in my mouth.

"No, not yet, it should be here by the end of the week until then I'll be driving you. Well we should get going come on you don't want to be late for the first day of school do you?"

My dad drove into the school parking lot and parked the car next to a very expensive looking Porsche. I got out of the car and my dad, and I walked to the office.

"Dad you can go now it's okay, I'll be okay" He gave me a hug and walked back to the car.

After talking with the lady at the front office, she gave me my timetable and had this teacher take me to my first class. Chemistry. I walked in, and the teacher stopped talking.

"Hello class, We have a new student joining us her name is Amelia" The class was silent, and their eyes were all on me. I felt as if I had done something wrong with the way they were looking at me. Mr Harris, my chemistry teacher, pointed to a seat next to a beautiful looking boy and started giving out sheets. As I sat down, I couldn't help to overhear the conversation.

"What if the next body part she steals from someone who's still alive," The boy with the shaved hair said. I don't know what the hell they were talking about, but they had serious issues.

"This is a pop quiz Mr Stilinski if I hear your voice again, I'm going to be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career," Harris said in a very dull tone

"Can you do that?" Stilinski exclaimed

"There it is again, your voice triggering the only impulse that I have ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently. I'll see you at three for detention."

"You too Mr McCall?"

"No sir," McCall said. Well, at least I know the surname of my partner. I started answering the questions on the sheet, and they were quite comfortable. As soon as the quiz started the guy that owns the Porsche run out the classroom. There is a lot of problems here in this school. The lesson soon finished, and I was trying to find my locker. My locker was right next to a girl that was incredibly beautiful. I put my locker combination in, and a boy walked over to his locker.

"Nice dress" The boy next to me had said. Wasn't so sure if he was talking to me or not, but the other girl had turned around.

"Thank you nice camera," I said back.

"Her aunt that murdered all those people" I had turned around to see these girls talking about her.

"You mean the crazy bitch who killed all those people?" If that were mean, I wouldn't have been able to control my emotions. I walked over there as an instinct and suddenly regretted it.

"What do you want?" One of the girls exclaimed.

"You know it is a horrible thing you guys have just said. You don't know her, and you're currently judging her because of her aunt. You guys deserve everything that comes in your way. Unless you're Google stop acting like you know everything. Also, watch your backs and your boyfriends. I might steal them." I turned around, and she had disappeared I left the two girls stunned with their mouth wide open. I left obviously being proud but then feeling sad as I had just acted the way they had acted towards her. I walked away to go to the main reception as for the first few days I had to be sent home early just to get used to it. Someone instantly grabbed my hand a pulled me into a classroom. It was my Chemistry partner.

"I just want to thank you for sticking up for my girlfriend. I wasn't far, so I overheard the conversation with you and the girls but, thank you think Allison just found a good friend. I'm Scott by the way; you sit next to me in Chem. right?" Scott McCall.

"It was no problem felt as if I had to maybe I was a little too harsh with them about the whole hell thing and yes you do sit next to me in Chemistry" At least I had made two friends, but I had also made two enemies.

"Sorry for not introducing myself in class was in between a serious conversation with Stiles what's your name?" Trust me I had heard everything you two were talking about before.

"It's Amelia" Really the teacher had introduced me in class.

"Nice to meet you, Amelia, come sit with me at lunch?" He might have a girlfriend, but if he didn't, then I'll probably think it as a date.

"I can't I leave school early for the first day maybe tomorrow" I smiled and waved while walking out the classroom we had just been in.

"I'll see you in the morning then! " He shouted as I was nearing the reception. My dad was waiting at the reception sitting while reading a magazine.

"Hello honey, you ready to head home?" I nod and run to the car.

"So did you make any new friends?" He said taking a right turn.

"Yeah, this guy I stuck up for his girlfriend" He nods and concentrates more on his driving.

"Dad, after we have lunch, can I go explore this place I promise I will be back before dark."


My dad had made us lunch, and I walked out the house I made sure I remembered the street name just in case I got lost and made sure my phone was on. I walked past many police cars and saw McCall and the Stiles kid making a run for it. I had a friend that is a criminal. Of course, I had followed them.

"Scott!" They both turned around, and they had a guilty look on their faces.

"You are a criminal, and you didn't bother mentioning this?!" They had a smirk playing on theirs.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that we just murdered a dude, but of course we still get out of it, by running" Stiles or whatever his name is.

"You know I loved killing people back in my old home; there was this old woman that hated me with her dog every day 5 o'clock in the morning. She would make sure her dog was barking, and I got enough, so one night I snuck into their home killed the dog first, then I killed the senior woman, and then there was a police officer outside that heard something came into the building, so I took him out too. Then I went home have a cold shower taking the blood of myself I think after that I had burnt the clothes and made sure there were no fingerprints left."

-continued in the next chapter-

E xx

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