{3} Mental Institution Anyone?

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{3} Mental Institution Anyone?

They stared at me with huge eyes.

"I'm just kidding" Giving them a bright smile, but all they did was stare at me. The boys had started walking away from me, and of course, I followed. They had stopped behind some huge rock staring at the ambulance.

"What the hell is Lydia doing" Oh god.

"Lydia? You mean someone who goes to our school? She killed him?" I started crying, and yes I am emotional, and no I am not crazy I just find death related stuff sensitive, so I tend to cry a lot, which is most of the time, and it isn't just for actual living breathing people I could cry for someone who died in a book. It's a thing.

"Oh, it's okay it probably wasn't her, unless it was then..." Stiles had the most serious face.

"What kept you from doing that? Was it Allison?" There are so many psychopaths in this town, and I'm becoming one.

"Wait do you guys just go around killing people and not getting caught for it? That's so cool" Of course I had to break the mood. My phone had started ringing, and I looked at the contact: Dad I like being simple. I answered the call, and he was breathing heavily.

"Oh, thank god your okay, I was worried you said you would be home before dark and you weren't and I tried calling you but I guess you didn't have any signal" I grabbed the rock and started getting up then Scott pulled me back down.

"Sorry about that, I met my friend from school today, and we kinda started hanging out I'm currently at his place, and you know watching a movie" I'm currently with a boy. He would start freaking out.

"Your friend is a he? Is his mother there I want to make sure you guys are safe" I have to lie.

"Yeah, his mum is here" He is totally going to catch on.

"What's her name?" I would be a terrible spy.

"Michelle McCall?" That was smooth, he probably believes me now. That was the first name that came into my head.

"Alright stay safe and call me once you have left and maybe I can pick you up" We exchanged our byes, and I had ended the call right after.

"I just lied to him, your making me turn sinful what the hell is going on?" Scott put his arm on my shoulder pulling me down.

"Look stranger stay down, or I will feed you to werewolves," Stiles said. How does he have werewolves? Are there monsters in California? What if they are the werewolves? I had so many questions going through my mind I had wondered why I haven't gone insane over the thoughts I have been having since this morning in Chemistry. There has to be a mental institution somewhere around here. I had walked away quietly saying bye as I wasn't involved in whatever they were up to. Forty-five minutes later I had arrived home, and my dad was sleeping on the couch. I quietly went upstairs and made sure everything was in place and that I wouldn't have to do any more packing.

My phone bleeped twice signalling that I had a message.


Hey so I'm currently free, and I missed you. Do you want to Skype?

Heyy Ryan, Of course, I'd love just to give me a minute, and I'll get everything sorted.

I quickly got off of the bed and ran to my laptop while it was turning on I had the feeling that all he wanted to talk about his relationship getting closer to Jessie. I hated the fact that he liked her and I hate the fact that she has a boyfriend that he doesn't know as her parents aren't the kind of people to let her daughter go date, anyone. As soon as it turned on I got a call on Skype, I quickly checked my reflection and answered the call.

"I've missed you so much" Seeing his face and hearing him say that he lost me made a blush rise to my cheeks.

"I've missed you too. Anything happened out of the ordinary?"

"Nothing except that you know Matt Johnson? He asked out Riley from our English class and rumours are going around that she is going round to his tonight to lose her virginity to him."Is he going about Riley?

"But hasn't she already lost it to James?" He nods at me.

"How are things there?"

"Going better than expected, I sit next to this cute guy in Chemistry" Scott is very cute, but he has a girlfriend, let's see if I can get a reaction out of him and maybe see if he has a little crush on me.

"Oh.. Do you like him?" Maybe he doesn't like me more than a best friend.

"No, I like someone back over there" Come on figure out it's you. I don't have anything to lose I might as well tell Ryan as it isn't going to be awkward between us.

"Ooooh, who is it?" Excellent he doesn't know should I tell him or not? If I do, I can just quickly hang up on him, and if he calls back, maybe he is interested in me. Also, he is my best friend, and it might change things between us hopefully it doesn't.

"It's you" After I had said it is him I had hung up just like I planned he deserved to know. My phone vibrated underneath my leg, and I had a message from Ryan himself.


Did you like me all along? Why didn't you tell me? Maybe then I could've confessed my feelings to you as well.

He likes me. Or liked. I couldn't reply to him. It vibrated once more.


Don't ignore me. Look at the whole Jessie thing I was doing it to get a reaction out of you. I don't like her, and even if I did she has a boyfriend, she told me before you had left.

Me: Well yeah I liked you but was sad that you had a crush on Jessie, so I thought I shouldn't confess while he has a crush on someone else. I've liked you for ages, and I had just plucked up the courage to tell you so, and I'm halfway across the world


We know that isn't going to last because of Isaac, but you'll have to wait and see

It's Just Kisses ⇢ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now