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Heyyyy guys I am extremely sorry for not updating this book as often I have many reasons for this but won't go into detail. I have started having difficulties with Mathematics A-level so I revise so so so much for it and then I complete any homework this process takes a longgg time. Also, I have recently had problems in my personal life and decided to sort them out as soon as possible but it just keeps getting bigger but as of now most of the problems have been sorted and everything seems ok at the moment. From 05/12/2016 to, 09/12/2016 I will be doing work experience so no school work will mean I can update although I will be writing chapters before publishing them so I will be writing 3 chapters before hand and WILL update the together so it will make up for the times I haven't updated. I am also going to be writing another book which has already got 3 chapters and the main genre will be Teen Fiction. I will start using Twitter now and if anyone of you has any questions or problems tweet me and if it is something personal I will follow you and we can talk about it. My twitter name is  @enchantedcloudx  

Thank you all 

E xxx

It's Just Kisses ⇢ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now