{7} Teenage Werewolves

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{7} Teenage Werewolves

It seemed like forever waiting for Erica to come out. I have no idea why but after 1 hour I was allowed to see her. I walked to the reception and asked her about Erica.

"McCall? You're Scotts mother aren't you?" I asked the receptionist. While she nodded.

"Anyway, I'm here to ask about Erica what room is she in?" She looked through her computer clicking a few times.

"She left a few minutes ago her mother came to collect her" I groaned and mumbled a 'thank you' and left the hospital. How could she have left I was sitting near her room? She should have passed me. Unless she went the other way maybe they left the other way. I mean the exit is that way. I also don't have a ride home as I came with the ambulance so I had to walk home. I got lost a couple times which led me to walk in circles. I arrived home at eight o'clock which caused my father to being worried as he left me many messages. I got home and slept straight away. I had realized that my car was still at school meaning I would either walk or get a ride from my dad.

"Dad? I need a ride from you tomorrow" I didn't get a response from him I walked into his room to find him not in there. When I first came today I instantly thought he would be sleeping but I guess not. I went down the stairs to check there and saw no one. I walked over to the kitchen realizing that I was hungry and quickly made some food for myself. I ran upstairs while balancing the food on my hands and checked the messages from my dad reading them all this time.

'Won't be at home until midnight as I am working overnight, Goodnight x'

I sighed and ate my food while texting Stiles. I stole his number a few nights ago just in case anything happened.

'Need a ride tomorrow -A'

I slept not knowing what his answer was but I couldn't care less he was going to pick me up. I woke up checking my messages before doing anything else and got ready knowing Stiles was picking me up. I messaged him my address in a matter of seconds. I went outside and sat on the floor waiting for him but he turned up late. Although this didn't impact the time we arrived at school which was good. I sat down in class for Biology and fell asleep. The bell woke me up and I ran out of class. I loved biology but sometimes it got boring. I guess I wasn't the only one as Jackson ran out as well. I was confused but I saw why. He attacked Lydia, at first, I thought nothing of it but then I saw the death like grip he had on her. I walked towards them and grabbed Jacksons arm and pulled him away from her.

"You ruined everything!" He shouted as I pulled him away and smashed him against a wall. Growing up with brothers way older than me did benefit strength wise and I'm happy for that. I took him outside while everyone was going into class.

"What was that about?" I glared at him while he struggled underneath my grip he was pretty strong and I felt as if he was breaking my bones just by moving it. I'm pretty sure that there is a bruise left on my wrist now.

"Get out of my way," He said flipping me over so I was currently against the wall. I watched him walk down the corridor. What a dick. I decided not to follow him for many reasons.

1. He can probably kill me.

2. He is a dick.

3. I don't like him.

So they weren't the best points but it was good enough for me to leave him alone. I looked over to see if Lydia was still there but she wasn't and at the moment I didn't feel like following her. I walked into the lunch hall with Stiles and he had left me to sit with someone I didn't know. I didn't see anyone else so I joined them but kept out of their conversation by eating the food I had gotten out of my bag. I saw him struggling with getting the keys and then him taking money out his pocket. After a while, he took the keys and 'Boyd' got the money he needed. Stiles then just left without realizing that I was sitting next to him. I got up angrily and went over to him and slapped him on the back of his head. I heard him mutter the word 'idiot' while I was getting ready to sit down. Before their conversation had finished I had walked out and was greeted by Erica. Yet she looked better than anyone I had seen except Lydia and Allison.

"Hey, Erica. Are you alright?" I asked her but she completely ignored me and went over to a boys table. I just shook my head and walked off. What angered me the most is that I was supposedly her 'only' friend and she completely ignores me like that. I walked outside and just sat at the entrance and scrolled through my phone. Erica then walks out and without a few seconds passing by so did Stiles and Scott.

"What are you guys doing running around like bloody idiots?" I asked them.

"Erica's with Derek. The you know. Leader" I was confused for a second and glanced at the car leaving the school. Later on, I had left and just went home. Scott had invited me to the Ice Skating rink with them but I didn't want to be the odd one out so I didn't bother going. I made sure to complete the homework that had been set for tomorrow.


Hey Guys,

I am so sorry for not writing in a while mainly because I have my exams now. I just had my English and I am currently doing Art. I have the Art exam for 10 hours which takes forever. I am making sure to pre-write and just update them when I can but I will make sure that I at least write once every 2 weeks the least but as I am pre-writing it will be more hopefully. My last exam is June 27th meaning more updates that will follow after the exam.

E xx

It's Just Kisses ⇢ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now