{13} Friends and Enemies

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{13} Friends and Enemies

I was in the car with Lydia and Allison. I was in the back seat of the car and we had stopped in front of Lydia's to drop her off.

"I need you to promise that you won't say anything about what just happened." Talking about the events that took place today.

"I'll promise not to say anything about what just happened if you can tell me what the hell just happened." I got confused with that she had just said until I said it again in my mind.

"Lydia it's complicated," I say as Allison looked as if she had no idea what to say to her.

"Well, how 'bout you start with why was Derek there? Or where Jackson went, or what is wrong with Erica?" She pauses for a few seconds and then speaks up again.

"Oh, do you two need a minute to come up with a plausible lie?" I looked at Allison and she looked as if she was going to cry. I don't understand why she would cry but there is no need for it to happen, it just shows weakness.

"Part of the reason why she asking is because she and Scott aren't supposed to be seeing each other, okay? So, it's better if you just keep what you know to yourself." I say in a harsh tone.

"Fine. I'll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend - which is nothing - to myself." Clearly, she got mad at the way I spoke to her.

"Hey. He's not just my boyfriend. You get that, right?" I roll my eyes at this. I get that she and Scott have been together through stuff but they've known each other for what? One to two years and from what I've heard it wasn't the best relationship if your father wants you to be apart from each other.

"Let me go," Lydia says waiting for Allison to unlock the door.

"Just for one second, please, try and remember -" Allison gets cut off by Lydia.

"Remember what?" Lydia exclaims breathing heavily.

"Remember what it feels like. All of those times in school when you see him standing down the hall, and you cannot breathe until you're with him. Or those times in class when you - you can't stop looking at the clock because you know that he's standing right out there waiting for you. Don't you remember what that's like?" I have never experienced anything like that ever. Not even with Ryan and I was completely obsessed with him. The thought of Ryan reminds me to message him asking if he wants to talk over Skype once I get home.

"What do you mean, "no"? You've had boyfriends." I've had boyfriends but none like that.

"None like that." She seemed to have read my mind. She gets out the car and starts walking to her house.

Allison then drops me off and once I'm home I get ready to skype Ryan. I've lost feelings for him and I'm not sure why I guess it's the distance and I do not know what I saw in him to actually like him in that way. I get my laptop out underneath my bed and start logging into Skype. Ryan is already logged on so I call him and he picks up instantly.

"Heyy I've missed you Ry"

"I missed you too Amy" Nothing. Nothing is the same anymore I don't blush when he says he misses me.

"How have you been? How is Jessie?" Speaking about Jessie I've messaged her a couple times but it's not the same and since I've left I wonder if she is even my friend anymore.

"I've been great how about you? Jessie, um she is alright I guess me and her hardly talk anymore and it seems as if she has found a new group of friends" I guess that would explain it.

"Oh, I've been great I-" I was cut off with my phone ringing.

"One minute Ryan let me just take this." I get up to go to my desk and retrieve the phone and sit back down on the bed. It's Isaac.

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