Crash Landing

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Y/n's POV

I didn't remember falling asleep, but when I woke up, I was in a free fall. The ground, while still far away, loomed closer with every passing second. I spread my arms and legs apart to try and catch the wind and slow down my landing, but it didn't work too well, and I was still falling too fast. That's when Jason slammed into me, and using his powers, he controlled the winds to slow us down.

"Hold on," Jason instructed as he directed the wind to his favor. The two of us were able to grab Piper and Leo on our descent, but three bodies was a lot to hold, and I could tell that Jason couldn't do it for long. Luckily, when Jason's body gave out, we were near the roof of a factory. I thought that we would land harmlessly on the roof, but we were going too fast, so we plummeted right through it. I stuck my feet out to try and catch myself, which was probably the worst thing I could've done. When I landed, a shooting pain shot up my ankle, and I crumpled against a cold metal surface.

"Where's Y/n?" Leo asked from somewhere below me. 

"Here," I utter, my voice filled with pain. As my vision cleared, I saw that I had landed on a metal catwalk while my friends had hit the ground below. In seconds, I heard Jason, Piper, and Leo ascend a set of stairs, meaning it wouldn't be too long before they reached me. At that moment, I glanced down at my foot, but I quickly looked away. My toes were bent at a weird angle, which definitely wasn't normal.

"There you are," Leo breathed out when he spotted me. "You okay?" He then looked at my foot, and when he saw it, he grimaced. "Never mind."

"You'll be fine," Jason assured me and turned to Leo. "Leo, do you have any first aid supplies?" 

"Yeah," Leo replied and dug around in his tool belt, producing out a wad of gauze and a roll of duck tape. 

"Can you fix her foot?" Piper implored. 

Leo shook his head. "I'm a mechanic. If she was a car, sure. What about that magic food they had at camp?" 

"Ambrosia. I have some in my back pack," I alert them. Jason carefully took my backpack off of me and rummaged through the supplies I had packed. In seconds, he pulled out a bag filled with ambrosia squares and broke me off a piece. Upon eating it, my mouth was filled with the taste of the smores Will would always make for me.

"Before I announce my idea, can you heal yourself with water?" Jason quizzed. 

"My powers don't work like that. I can only heal small cuts and scrapes," I tell him.

"Well then I think I should try and reset your foot," Jason put forth. 

"No way," I oppose. "Out of all of the people I know, there's only one person that I would trust to do that." 

"Right. Will," Leo confirmed. When I raised my eyebrows at Leo, a bit confused as to how he knew, he responded right away. "What? I pay attention."

"Are you sure you can set my foot?" I question. "Because I don't want to end up with a useless leg, especially when we're on a quest." 

"I think so," Jason answered and retrieved a broken piece of wood from nearby to act as a splint. "Leo, I'm going to need you to hold her leg still and take her mind off of this." 

"Can do. How did your sword come back to you the other day? After you threw it at those storm spirits, it fell from thousands of feet in the air, yet you've still got it," Leo noticed. 

"Oh, um, it's enchanted," I start and reach up to touch the trident necklace I was wearing. "And the enchantment makes it so that it'll always come back to me. Percy's sword is the same way, but his turns into a pen." That's when Jason's hands gripped my foot and snapped the bones back into place, causing me to clench my fists bite the inside of my cheek. 

"There. All done," Jason declared.

"Thank you," I murmur and look around. "Where's Festus? And does anyone know where we are?"

"I don't know about Festus," Leo confessed. "He just jerked sideways like he hit an invisible wall, and then we started to fall. As for our location, I'm guessing were in Detroit."

"Well we've got to keep moving," I say and use the nearby railing to help myself stand up. "Come on. I'll help you find Festus."

"What you need is some rest," Leo countered.

I waved him off. "I'm fine. Ambrosia works really well. Right now I can barely feel anything. Besides, I really need some fresh air, and you shouldn't be walking around alone. That's one of the first rules we learned at Camp Half Blood." 

Leo sighed. "All right then. Come on." 


Festus had landed on some porta potties and completely destroyed them, so their contents were lying everywhere. I tried not to gag as I carefully stepped around stray pieces of poop on the ground. It was a miracle that I reached our dragon without stepping in anything disgusting. As Leo climbed on top of Festus and opened a control panel, I leaned against the dragon's side and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You know, you can't keep your secret forever," I remind him. 

Leo frowned and kept working. "What secret?"

"I know why Zethes smelled fire on you," I admit. "It all came rushing back to me when I smelled it on you too. Percy always seems to smell like the ocean because he's connected to it. It's the same way with you and fire."

"What if I can do what you think I can?" Leo asked. 

"Then hiding it isn't the answer," I advise. "People like us, our powers are hard to control. And sometimes, even if we don't want to admit it, we need help." 

"Promise me you'll keep it a secret," Leo pleaded. "I want to tell Jason and Piper at the right time." 

"I promise," I pledge. Just then, a loud crash sounded from the factory, and the noise made me cringe. It sounded like dump trucks crashing against each other. I pulled off my necklace, which turned into a sword, and Leo retrieved a large hammer from his tool belt. "You want to go see what just made that noise?"

"It's not like we have a choice," Leo muttered. And with that, the two of us began walking back towards the warehouse.

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