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Y/n's POV

I didn't know how long it had been since we left Bologna. A few hours, maybe? The whole time I stayed in my room, not wanting to hurt anyone with my newfound ability. Since the incident up on deck, I had calmed down a bit, and my powers hadn't reappeared. My room was colder than before though, and it seemed like I was too. As I was lying on my bed, giving myself a much needed break, someone knocked on the door.

"Y/n!" Piper called out from the other side of my bedroom door. "We've docked in Venice. Everyone's up on deck, and they were hoping you'd join us. Leo's worried about you, but it's not just him. We all kind of are. Could you just give me a sign that you're all good in there? And maybe come upstairs?"

"I'm okay, Piper," I inform my friend.

"Good. Could you come up to the deck? Please," Piper pleaded. While one half of me desperately just wanted to stay in my room, the other half knew that I should let everyone know that I'm okay. And if that was in the form of popping upstairs for a few minutes, then so be it. I got out of bed, and once I opened the door, I shoved my hands into my jacket pockets.

"Lead the way," I murmur. I followed Piper up the set of stairs, where the rest of the crew was gathered near the helm. I looked past them at Venice, and when I saw some weird cow looking creatures, I frowned. They seemed to be everywhere.

"Hey," Jason greeted when he saw me. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay," I reply. "Better than before. I could still use a little bit of space though. Do we know where we're going?"

"All we've got is the address the dwarfs told us. La Casa Nera. Calle Frezzeria," Leo read from the sticky note he had placed on top of the leather bound book.

"The Black House," Nico translated. "And Calle Frezzeria is the street."

Frank raised his eyebrows at the son of Hades. "You speak Italian?"

"We have to find that address," Nico insisted, ignoring Frank's question. "The only way to do it is to walk through the city. Venice is a maze though."

"I should probably stay on board," Jason put forth. "There were lots of venti in that storm last night. If they decide to attack the ship again, I should be here."

"Well, I'm out, too. If you softhearted cupcakes are going to stroll through Venice without even whacking those furry animals all over the place, forget it," Hedge grumbled. "I don't like boring expeditions."

"That's okay, Coach. We still have to repair the foremast. Then I need your help in the engine room. I've got an idea for a new installation," Leo announced.

"Well," Piper started. "Whoever goes should be good with animals."

"Cows are not really my thing," I confess from where I was standing a good distance away from everyone else. "They're one of Hera's sacred animals, and her and I are not on good terms."

"I'll go," Frank volunteered.

"Awesome. If you pass a hardware store, get me some two-by-fours and a gallon of tar," Leo requested.

"Leo," Hazel chided. "This isn't a shopping trip."

"I'll go with Frank," Nico offered.

"You're good with animals?" Frank asked.

Nico smiled. "Actually, most animals hate me. They can sense death. And there's lots of death here. Restless spirits. If I go, I may be able to keep them at bay. Besides, as you noticed, I speak Italian."

"Lots of death, huh? Personally, I'm trying to avoid lots of death, but you guys have fun!" Leo chirped.

"I'll go too. Three is the best number for a demigod quest, right?" Hazel brought up then.

A Quest of Eight; A Heroes of Olympus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now