Invasion Aboard the Argo II

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Y/n's POV

It wasn't long before our friends were dragged up onto the deck. Jason was unconscious, and he had numerous bruises on his face meaning he tried to fight. Hazel and Piper bad both their hands and feet bound, but the latter also had a gag in her mouth, so I guess the dolphins had discovered she could charmspeak. Hedge was chained to one of the dolphins who had hoof marks in his chest plate and helmet. And then I noticed that Frank wasn't present. However, two dolphins had bee stings covering their faces, so I assumed that was from him.

"Excellent!" Chrysaor cheered and glanced over to where his crew had dumped Jason's body by the crossbows alongside Leo. "The boys are no use to me. Cyclopes will pay big for the coat. Circe will buy the women, either as slaves or trainees, depending on their skill. Percy and Annabeth, you will be given off to Gaea, who wants your blood spilled. So that just leaves you, Y/n. From what I've heard, you're very gifted with a sword, and your water powers are incredible. I'll let you live and join my crew."

"I'd rather die than join you," I spit at him.

"You don't really have a choice," Chrysaor reminded me and turned to the dolphin nearest to me. "Grab her, will you?"

"What? Hey! Let me go!" I shout and struggle to get myself free from the dolphin's fins.

"Don't struggle, Y/n. It'll only make this much worse," Chrysaor told me. That was the last thing I heard though, because I felt something slam down onto the top of my head causing me to black out. When I woke up, I had a pounding headache, and I groaned, holding onto my temples.

"About time you woke up. Here. Drink some nectar," Percy instructed and handed me a small bottle. As soon as I downed the contents, I immediately felt better. I pushed myself up and accepted the hand Percy had extended towards me, and once I was standing, I leaned back against the deck.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Long story short, I tricked the dolphins into thinking Dionysus was our captain," Percy shared. "They all got scared and jumped off the ship, leaving theirs behind. So we used it as an offering to the wine god for 'saving us'."

"Huh," I hum. "That was actually a pretty great plan. Everyone else okay?"

"Everyone else is fine," Percy assured me. "They all just went downstairs to get some rest, including Leo. It took a while for me to convince him to leave you though."

"Well, that sounds a lot like him. You should get some rest too," I urge him and wave Jason over. "Jason and I will take the night watch."

"Yeah," Jason agreed. "You've been out here for a while. We'll be okay."

"Fine," Percy breathed out. "Take it easy though. Both of you." Once Percy went downstairs, Jason leaned up against the rail next to me, and together, the two of us stared out at the horizon. It was silent for a second, but soon Jason spoke up.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but ever since Atlanta, something about you has changed," Jason brought up. "Everything okay?"

"Inside of the aquarium, Phorcys trapped us inside a giant fish tank. I tried to control the water, but I couldn't. I felt helpless that I couldn't do anything in my own element," I confess. And now it just feels like I'm not good at anything. I mean, I was just knocked out by a dolphin when I could have been helping you guys."

"Don't say that, Y/n," Jason lectured. "You're an amazing demigod. You're very skilled with both a sword and a bow, you've got awesome powers, and you're incredibly smart for someone who isn't a child of Athena. I, for one, would put my life in your hands any day. And I can only say that about so many people."

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