Fight to the Death

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Y/n's POV

"Lord Bacchus, are we going to kill these giants or what?" Jason asked. 

"Well, I certainly hope so," Bacchus responded. "Please, carry on." 

Percy frowned. "Didn't you come here to help?" 

"I appreciated the sacrifice at sea. A whole ship full of Diet Coke. Very nice," Bacchus commented. "Although I would've preferred Diet Pepsi. At any rate, you got my attention. I'm here. Now I need to see if you're worthy of my help. Go ahead. Battle. If I'm impressed, I'll jump in for the grand finale." 

"We speared one," I point out. "And if that's not good enough for you, I don't know what is."

"Perhaps you need inspiration!" Bacchus figured. "The stage hasn't been properly set. You call this a spectacle, Ephialtes? Let me show you how it's done." Bacchus then dissolved into purple mist alongside Piper and Nico, just as the entire floor rumbled and began to rise. Above us, the ceiling opened up, and sunlight poured in through the gap. Suddenly, we were standing the midst of the Colosseum as a crowd of Lares cheered us on. Obstacles made of clay and plaster were situated everywhere, and there was even a small lake in the corner. Bacchus, Piper, and Nico sat in a box at the top of the arena, all of them being tended to by nymphs. "Entertain me, Heroes of Olympus. Juno claims she's assembled a worthy group of demigods. Let me see if you need my help. Being a god has its privileges, after all." 

I didn't want to fight like this, but the twins didn't give me much of a choice. They hurled a large plaster mountain at the three of us, and we all dived into the nearest trench. Shrapnel rained down onto us from above, and while it wasn't deadly, it burned quite a bit. 

"I could take Otis again," Jason offered. "Or do you guys want him?" 

"What if we take him together," I suggest. "This whole quest we've been focusing on our individuality, so maybe it's time we work as a team. A real one. Lets go for Otis first. He's weaker. If we take him out quickly then we can focus on Ephialtes. Perhaps bronze and gold together will keep them from re-forming a little longer." 

Jason smiled. "Sounds like a plan. But Ephialtes isn't going to stand there and wait while we kill his brother." 

"There's good wind today," Percy noticed. "And there're some water pipes running under the arena." 

"Right. On three?" Jason questioned. 

"Why wait?" Percy retorted. 

Together, the three of us charged the giants, who were holding up another plaster mountain. Percy and I exploded a water pipe at their feet while Jason summoned a large gust of wind. Ephialtes lost his balance, and the mountain crushed him, making only his snake feet visible. We then focused on Otis, shouting insults about ballet as we backed towards the lake. By the time Otis realized what was going on, it was too late. As soon as Jason blew Otis into the lake, we all stabbed him in the head, causing him to turn to dust. I took charge of creating a whirlpool which made it so that Otis couldn't move or reform, but behind us, Ephialtes pushed away the mountain covering him and stood up.

Jason called a lightning bolt strike down onto Ephialtes, but the giant blocked it and continued lumbering towards us. I focused on keeping Otis down in the water for as long as I could, but soon Ephialtes got too close, and I had to turn my focus away. The three of us charged again and tried to stab at the giant, but he parried every strike. Even when Percy had broken his spear in half, he still didn't appear fazed.

"I will not yield!" Ephialtes yelled and swung his broken spear in my direction. His aim was low, and it knocked me off of my feet. I landed hard on my sword arm, and a wave of pain washed over me. Jason tried to get back on Ephialtes, but the giant sliced into his shirt, and a thin line of blood trickled down Jason's chest. With that, he held both halves of his broken spear above Percy and Jason, and one large snake foot over me. In the stands, Dionysus sat happily munching a bag of Doritos. For a split second, all I could think about was that I was going to die. But that all changed when a large dark oval descended over us. Otis tried to say something, but his half reformed face could only speak in grumbles. The Argo II pointed its ballista, and I could see a green fire igniting in the sky. 

A Quest of Eight; A Heroes of Olympus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now