Father-Daughter Chat

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Y/n's POV

Demigod dreams were always weird. There was no telling where your mind would wander. My dream started out back in Camp Half Blood, and Leo and I were hanging out on the beach. The memory seemed so vivid, so real, but I knew it had never happened. I hadn't known Leo long enough for it to be true. Then, my dream shifted, and I was in my father's underwater palace. Breathing underwater was one of the many powers that came with being a child of Poseidon, and while I was thankful for it, I didn't want to be here. Whenever a God had a chat with one of their children, it was usually because a warning needed to be given.

"Sorry about interrupting your other dream," Poseidon apologized. "It looked wonderful. Nice boy, Leo Valdez."

I blushed. "Yeah. So uh, what am I doing here?"

"We have important business to talk about. For example, the doors of death have opened," Poseidon disclosed.

I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"You're a smart girl, Y/n," Poseidon reminded me. "You know what I'm talking about. You just need to think." I thought back to what I've heard about the doors of death, but all I could remember was that Nico once mentioned that he was going to look for them. And then it all clicked.

"Gaea, she's letting monster out of Tartarus," I realize.

"Not just any monsters. The most powerful ones," Poseidon clarified.

"How can we stop them?" I ask.

"I can't tell you that. The Gods forbid it," Poseidon professed. "But know that you are a hero. You and the new friends that you are traveling with."

"Percy is missing. How am I a hero when I can't even find him?" I question.

"You'll know where he is when the time is right," Poseidon told me. "That is your line in the prophecy, after all."

"My line means I'll find Percy?" I inquire.

Poseidon shook his head. "Not quite, but he is part of it. Heroes don't just go missing, Y/n. Percy is an important piece of this story. You just have to figure out what part he plays."

"Yeah, but where is he? The hunters said that they have searched everywhere and couldn't find him. If there was another camp for demigods, we'd have found it by now," I say.

"Percy may be hard to find, but maybe for good reason," Poseidon spoke. "You'll eventually know where to look."

"You know, it'd be more helpful if you could just tell me where he is so my friends and I don't have to risk our lives on this quest anymore," I mutter.

Poseidon laughed. "It would be, wouldn't it? But you've done this enough times to know that it doesn't work that way."

"Well it should," I counter.

"Here. I have a gift for you," Poseidon offered and handed me a conch shell. "I gave Percy a similar gift once, and he used it well. Now it is your turn."

I rolled the small shell between my fingers. "How will this help me?"

"You'll find out soon," Poseidon shared. "Before you go, I do have a question. Are you serious about Leo? Do you truly like him?"

"Dad!" I shout and cover my face with my hands. "Please, stop."

"What? All I want is for my children to be happy, and if he makes you feel that way, then I approve. But I guess that is Aphrodite's department, so I'll leave myself out of it. By the way, I do hope you like the clothes Aphrodite gave you. Goodbye, Y/n. And good luck," Poseidon wished me.

And then suddenly I woke up at a table at a cafe. My friends all stirred from their sleep as well, and it was then that I realized everyone had gotten a makeover. Hedge, Leo, and Piper had on some crazy combinations, but they all seemed to pull it off quite well. Jason and I got lucky. He was wearing a plain purple t-shirt, jeans, and a clean pair of tennis shoes. I was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a white tank top with a red and black checkered flannel alongside a pair of black converse.

"I swear to the Gods, if my combat boots aren't back in my cabin at camp, I'm gonna kill someone," I grumble.

"I think you look great," Leo confessed. "It's a nice change from your usual Camp Half Blood t-shirt and jeans."

"T-thanks, Leo," I stammer out. Hopefully, no one had noticed my stutter, or the blush that had risen to my cheeks. "So, who's ready to go to Mount Diablo and face a giant who wants to kill us?"

"Guys, I can't ask you to do this. It's too dangerous," Piper claimed.

"Piper, you miss your dad, and I know that's killing you inside. We're going to help you no matter the cost. It's just what demigods do," I state.

"That wasn't really a good speech, but lets go beat up some stuff," Coach Hedge chirped.


The cab made lurching sounds as it trekked up the mountain, and I hoped that it could take us to the top, but it couldn't. I stepped out of the cab when it stopped, and almost immediately, my shoes started sinking into the ground. Gaea was trying to stop us anyway she could. Once Leo paid the cab driver, he drove back down the mountain, leaving the five of us alone.

"How do we know where the giant is?" Piper asked.

Jason pointed towards the peak of the mountain where smoke was rising. "Smoke equals fire. So lets hurry."

Climbing the rest of the mountain took forever. My sneakers kept sinking into the ground, and the wind was cold and sharp against my legs. While my outfit was cute, the shorts didn't do much to protect me from the cold, and the tank top didn't offer much protection. Finally, we reached the top, and we saw our giant. Enceladus was 30 feet tall, and from the waist up, he was human, his hair braided with bones. From the waist down though, his legs were scaly green, and he had dragon claws for feet. Across from us on the other side of the mountaintop was Piper's dad.

"There's five of us and only one of him. Me, Leo, Jason and Y/n are going to distract him. Piper, you'll sneak around to save your dad," Coach Hedge instructed.

"Let's boogie," Leo urged. "Before I come to my senses."

A Quest of Eight; A Heroes of Olympus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now